Dad Bod: Vampire by Kat Baxter EPUB & PDF

Dad Bod: Vampire by Kat Baxter EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Kat Baxter
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.6 MB
  • Price: Free

I know a thing or two about bad luck.
I’ve had bad luck all my life, from the time my parents died in a freak
explosion at an abandoned fast food joint right up until now. I could give
you lots of examples of my epically shitty luck, but I’d end up sounding
like a whiner and bumming everyone out.

But here’s how I like to look at it: all the bad things that have happened
to me are just my backstory. Fate has been laying the groundwork for some
amazing things to happen in my life. All the bad luck has prepared me to
recognize the good luck when it comes along, so that I can seize it tight
with both hands and never let it go.

My attitude might sound a bit naïve. Sharon, my third foster mom, used
to tell me I was willfully optimistic. I don’t think she meant it as a

Maggie, my fifth foster mom, called it seeing life through Rosie-colored
glasses. I like to think that she did mean it as a compliment, even though
she also complained about my “stubbornness issues.”
But here’s one thing I’ve figured out. Luck doesn’t start out as good or
bad. At first, it’s just things that happen to you. It’s what you do with those
things that matter.

For example, yes, it sucks that I bounced around in foster care my
whole childhood. But, did you know there are scholarships and grants just
for people who come out of the foster care system? And if you apply for all
of them (which I did), it covers a lot of your tuition? And if, once you
graduate, you write thank you notes to all the non-profits that provide those
grants asking them for job references, eventually you might wear one of
them down.

Was it a lot of handwritten notes to a lot of people at a lot of companies?
Yes, it was.
But this is what I mean about making your own luck! Because it’s how I
ended up with an actual job, working for Wells International Hospitality
Industries. Now, at age twenty-two, after a mere seventy-two handwritten
thank you notes to various people at various companies, I am the virtual
assistant to the owner of the company, Mr. Hudson Wells.
I strongly suspect that I was a pity hire, but that is fine by me, because I
make my own luck.

And I have every intention of making myself indispensable to Mr.
Wells. I am going to work so hard, he won’t know what hit him!
Now if I can just get him to give me something to do other than busy
work ….

To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Subject: My work load
Mr. Wells,

As mentioned in my previous email, I fear I’m not doing enough to
“earn my keep.” When you hired me a month ago, you indicated you would
slowly ramp up my duties as your virtual assistant.
I have now had more than enough time to settle into the job. I am ready
and eager to do more work. Please let me know what else I can do to be of
service. I know I’m young, but I’m eager to learn!

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