Dad Bod: Minotaur Labyrinth (DAD BOD MONSTER) by Alana Khan EPUB & PDF

Dad Bod: Minotaur Labyrinth (DAD BOD MONSTER) by Alana Khan EPUB & PDF

Dad Bod: Minotaur Labyrinth (DAD BOD MONSTER) by Alana Khan EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Alana Khan
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-F
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Crap! I don’t want to be late for my interview. I need this personal
assistant job.
I check the address in my text stream, then double-check the GPS to make
sure I entered it correctly. How is it that I’ve lived less than ten miles from
here my whole life and have never been in this part of the area before? I
shrug. Although there aren’t many houses around, my phone says I’m going
in the right direction.

I may need this job, but I’m not sure I want it. Frankly, I’m nervous as hell.
Well, that’s not entirely true. I don’t think my dry mouth and the tightness
in my chest are mere nerves. It’s fear edging toward terror.
For the last five years, I’ve been working remotely for a small mom-andpop startup. Over the last six months, people have been slowly removed
from the employee roster. I’d email a coworker and get an auto-response
that said the person no longer worked there.

The company hemorrhaged money and laid people off as things worsened.
Finally, they couldn’t stay afloat. I was slow on the uptake and didn’t see
the writing on the wall. Should I feel proud or foolish that I was the last
person they let go?

When Ben and Louise Vance emailed to tell me my services were no longer
necessary, starting immediately, they told me I had been indispensable.
Well, they’ve dispensed with me now.

With no income, I’ve been scrambling to make ends meet while frantically
applying for jobs. The boom in work-from-home jobs that helped me land
the job at Vance Industries has turned into a bust.

Remote work is no longer easy to find, and although the Vances appreciated
my skill set. I only finished one year of college because I couldn’t manage
to support myself and study. Sadly, I don’t have the post-high school
education most employers are looking for.

That’s why I desperately need this job.
Working from home meant I have no professional clothing. Who needs
more than t-shirts and jeans when you’re at a computer eight hours a day
and order DoorDash when you don’t want to eat one more home-cooked
grilled cheese sandwich?

I didn’t have the money to buy something for this interview, so I found an
old jean skirt in the back of my closet and used the shower to steam my
nicest blouse to get out the worst of the wrinkles. My long, brown hair
pulled into a low ponytail completes my not-so-chic ensemble.

“Sorry. That’s the best I can do,” I tell the rearview mirror.
It’s not my clothing, though, that’s heating my cheeks and making my heart
beat violently in my chest. It’s the guy who’s going to interview me.
Alphonse Foster.

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