Cursed is the Worst by E.J. Russell EPUB & PDF

Cursed is the Worst by E.J. Russell EPUB & PDF

Cursed is the Worst by E.J. Russell EPUB & PDF – eBook Details

  •  Author: E.J. Russell
  •  Language: English
  •  Formats: PDF / EPUB
  •  Status: Available For Free Download
  •  Series: None
  •  Price: Free
  •  File Size: 1 MB

Light Fantastic.
Kiran gazed at the sign above the dance studio’s door, clutching his cell
phone. The digital coupon for a three-lesson social dance package was
queued up, ready for a swipe of his finger.

Assuming I don’t drop the phone mid-swipe. It had happened before.
Multiple times. In fact, his current iPhone’s screen had a crack running
diagonally across one corner, which wasn’t supposed to happen with the
current model, especially not when it was protected by the industrial-strength
case Kiran always bought for his hapless phones.

It’s not the phone that’s hapless. He frowned. Was there such a thing as
hapful? What was hap anyway? He shuffled to the edge of the sidewalk and
closed the dance coupon so he could look up hapless on the MerriamWebster site. Strictly for research purposes, of course. Not because he was
grasping at any excuse to avoid walking through that door and prove exactly
what a mistake his sister had made, insisting that Kiran, not their father,
would dance with her at her wedding.

Aha! There was such a thing as hap. From the Old Norse, meaning good
luck. Kiran’s family roots were Dutch, so maybe that was why his hap
quotient was nil.

He glanced at the studio’s plate glass door with the silhouette of a male
dancer mid-grand-jeté and snorted. Hap to anybody trying to teach me to do
that. Double hap. Maybe triple.
But Kiran didn’t want to be a dancer and never had. That was Annemiek’s
world. He only wanted to be able to partner her in that wedding dance
without stepping on her toes or knocking her on her tail. Prima ballerinas
endured enough physical stress without being bulldozed by graceless

He studied his phone screen again and winced. Hapless: unfortunate;
unlucky; jinxed. Yikes, that was a little too close for comfort, although it
wasn’t precisely a jinx that had turned Kiran into the only clumsy swan
shifter in history.

It was a curse. A curse he’d invoked with his eyes open, more or less, so he
could hardly blame anybody else, could he? He sighed as he stepped toward
the door—and bumped into a passerby who should have been safely out of
Kiran’s way.

Being cursed was the worst.
“Dude!” the man barked. “Watch where you’re going.”
“Sorry!” Kiran stumbled to the side and bumped into another pedestrian.

When the first guy he’d caromed into narrowed his eyes, ostentatiously
brushing at his jacket sleeve, Kiran offered him a tight smile and retreated to
the curb, trying to will himself to be as small as possible. Not easy for a guy
who was packing more than a few extra pounds. True, he’d had years of
practice, but that practice didn’t always translate to uncontrolled
environments like sidewalks. He eyed the Light Fantastic window. Or dance

The problem was that he had been watching where he was going. But it
never made any difference. If somebody or something was within five feet of
him, somehow their trajectories would intersect. As if their specific gravity
sucked him into their orbit and straight into a collision course.
He’d known better than to even think about learning to drive.
But this wasn’t about him. This was about Annemiek and making her
wedding as perfect as she dreamed it would be.

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