Cursed by S.J. West EPUB & PDF

Cursed by S.J. West EPUB & PDF

Cursed by S.J. West EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: S.J. West
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal & Urban Fantasy 
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.6 MB
  • Price: Free

My life is cursed. I’m not sure why I thought my fortunes would magically
change when I entered the hallowed realm of college. Perhaps I believed the
hype spouted by the recruiter on how I would be able to start a whole new
chapter in my life just by going to college. According to her, I would be
granted my heart’s desires and become a new person, with a sea of endless
possibilities laid at my feet.

If I had truly wanted that to happen, I suppose I
should have moved to another continent instead of only sixty miles away
from home. It simply didn’t put enough distance between my old life and
the new one I craved, especially since I shortened the physical distance
between myself and the one person in the world I never wanted to see
again, Will Kilpatrick.

As I was walking to my very first college lecture, I saw Will handing
out flyers to welcome the freshman class of 2012. I hadn’t seen Will in two
years, but my one-time best friend still looked the same, heartbreakingly
handsome. He was dressed in a light blue button-down shirt tucked into a
pair of grey slacks. His short blond hair was cut in the latest shaggy style,
accentuating his lean, angular face and bright blue eyes. The friendly,
welcoming smile he bestowed on the group of moon-eyed girls surrounding
him involuntarily made my heart beat double time.

Not wanting him to see me, I quickly made an about-face to head in the
opposite direction of the boy I had shared my very first kiss with, someone
with whom I had once upon a time hoped to share the rest of my life.
Seeing Will again played havoc with my psyche and had my heart
racing into my throat. I silently berated myself for allowing Will to have
such an effect on my physical well-being. Intellectually, I knew by choosing
to attend Southeastern College I would eventually run into Will.

It was
basic statistics. It was only after seeing him that I realized what a delusional
fool I had been, thinking my heart had purged itself of the love I once
harbored for Will. I began to wonder if I would ever find a way to leave my
adolescent fantasies, featuring Will in the role of Prince Charming, behind
and go on with my life.

My first day of college had started off badly with the addition of Will
back into my world, and it seemed determined to get worse from there.
I ended up missing my first college lecture because I couldn’t find the
classroom. The science building was like a real life version of M.C.
Escher’s Relativity, with its meandering staircases in odd places.

I finally
asked someone for directions and found out the classroom I was looking for
was one of the few rooms which could only be accessed from an outside
stairwell since it was housed in the basement of the building. When I finally
found the room, my class had already been dismissed. The professor, a
kindly old man with thinning grey hair, told me not to worry about it.

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