Cursed Bonds: An Alpha’s Destiny by Roxie Ray EPUB & PDF

Cursed Bonds: An Alpha’s Destiny by Roxie Ray EPUB & PDF

Cursed Bonds: An Alpha’s Destiny by Roxie Ray EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Roxie Ray
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.1 MB
  • Price: Free

Rain pattered against the windows on this dreary and sad day. Appropriate,
if you asked me. The room itself wasn’t what I’d anticipated. I’d always
imagined a lawyer’s office to look like some ornate smoking room.
Mahogany and velvet, paintings, and massive hand-carved desks. This? It
was sterile and cold. Thin carpet, plain white walls, drop-down acoustic tile
ceiling, and the thin waif of a man sitting across from me at a desk that
looked to be a department store special. “Depressing” was an

“Here it is,” the lawyer, Carlton Davies, said. He looked at me with a
raised eyebrow. “You’re okay if we head straight to the probate portion of
Clearing my throat, I nodded. “Yes, that’s fine. I read the other
documents you emailed to me.”

“Great.” He glanced back at the paper in his hand. “Your grandmother
did have a few assets to her name at the time of her death. From what I see
here, almost all were left to you, barring a few keepsakes and antiques left
to your father. This was all updated upon her, um, diagnosis.”
Nana had fought like hell the last four years. I’d done everything I could
to take care of her, but we always knew what the outcome would be. She
was nothing if not a pragmatist. If I had to guess, she’d made these
arrangements the same week the doctor told her she had cancer.

Davies glanced around the room, noting that I was the only person in
attendance. “This does make things a little less awkward,” he said with a
pained expression. “There are times during the reading of a will when,
unfortunately”—he winced—“issues can come up.”

I knew what he meant. Some cousin gets mad he didn’t get the boat, a
sister is pissed Grandpa didn’t leave her his stock portfolio—it was all so
trivial when you were dealing with the death of a loved one. I couldn’t
imagine arguing over scraps at a table after someone you cared for had
passed, but maybe I wasn’t that type of person and would never understand.

My father, Nana’s only child, should have been here. For support, if
nothing else. The thought of Dad sent a hard lump of anger into my throat.
He was an addict, bouncing from one rehab center to another, then back to
the dealers that fed his addictions. When I told him Nana was sick, he
hadn’t acted like he cared in the least. He hadn’t even bothered to go to the

Nana had been all the parent I needed. Given I had no mother and a
deadbeat father, she’d poured all her love into me and done everything any
mother or father would have done. Now, all that was left was her things. A
life gone, reduced to memories and items to hand out.
Outside, thunder rolled.

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