Cryptic Dreams by A. K. Graves EPUB & PDF

Cryptic Dreams by A. K. Graves EPUB & PDF

Cryptic Dreams by A. K. Graves EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  •  Author: A. K. Graves
  •  Language: English
  •  Formats: PDF / EPUB
  •  Status: Available For Free Download
  •  Series: None
  •  Price: Free
  •  File Size: 2 MB

Swiftly Now 
Six Months Later 
With my head bowed and eyes glued to the pavement, I rush down the
sidewalk, pull my sweater tighter around my shoulders, and pray I make
it to the house in time.

I internally roll my eyes at that ridiculous thought. Not time itself, it’s
ridiculous to scoff at something like that, but the fact that I am relatively
incapable of keeping track of time even though doing so is critical to my very
existence… that’s what has me nearly shaking my head.

I swear it’s like I have a death wish or something.
Not that I can actually die per se, but losing track of when I’m supposed
to leave and staying later at work than I should have would definitely test my
given status as a so-called immortal. And doing so is relatively dangerous,
unintentional or not.

There are two very good, very serious, reasons my lack of ability to keep
track of anything could prove to be fatal, and I’d really rather not tempt
either. Not now and preferably not ever.

I pick up my pace, taking it from a brisk walk to a slight jog—my flats
not at all meant to run any marathons—but it’s too close to sunrise, too close
to when he will wake and if I’m not locked in the attic by the time he does, I
will most definitely pay for staying too late at the library.

To be totally honest, I wouldn’t ever leave the library if I didn’t have to
but I do because, well, I simply can’t live there. I’d love that though,
absolutely love living in a place surrounded by incredible knowledge and
beautiful words. Those things alone are enticing enough but you throw in the
peace they bring and the safety provided, it’s not surprising I never want to

I’ve worked at the New Orleans Public Library since it opened and
watching the way it’s changed and grown has been rather magical. Seeing
how the city I was born in embraces a thirst for learning and seeking truth as
equally as it embraces the need for an escape; how the hunger to live lives
some of us could never actually imagine, or educate themselves in things
behind their normal scope has made me love it that much more. If I could live
in the library, I absolutely would, and not just because I would happily live
anywhere other than where I’m forced to call home.

And I really hate where that is.
But that thought has me nearly running toward the sorry excuse of a
house, the fancy shack that does nothing but provide shelter from the sun. I
desperately need to get back or else I’m going to be in a lot of trouble, bigger
trouble than the rapidly rising ball of fire in the sky could provide all on its

My long strides eat up the sidewalk and just as I turn down my street, I
collide with a body, my shoulder hitting hard against it. So hard I drop the
books in my hands and send my purse toppling toward the ground.
“Fanger!” an angry voice bites out. “Goddamn filthy leech!”
“Watch where you’re going, blood sucker!” another spits.

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