Cruel Expectations (BAD BOY RANCH #2) by Em Petrova EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Em Petrova
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 5 MB
- Price: Free
Ivy thanked the food vendor in the French accent she’d spent months
perfecting and accepted her favorite sausage wrapped in a crepe. The rich
scent of spices wafted from the food as she brought it to her lips.
She inwardly groaned at the first bite. No amount of home cooking
back in Montana could top good French street food. Or any food in Europe,
for that matter. In the more than half a year that she’d been wandering the
continent, she learned all the best spots.
Moving down the cobbled street to the light throb of French pop music
coming from a local shop, she ate her food and drank in her surroundings.
As she passed a stall selling beautiful flowers, the vendor plucked one
from a metal pail and held it out for her.
She laughed and shook her head, telling him she had no place to put a
flower to keep it alive.
He stepped up to her, dark eyes glinting with a smile. He stuck it in his
teeth, making her laugh again. Then he broke off the stem and reached for
Ivy stilled, the food in her hand forgotten. As he tucked the pink bloom
behind her ear, she wasn’t afraid. During her time in France, she’d learned
which people were safe and which ones to avoid. This harmless young man
was all show.
He let a tendril of her hair fall from his fingertips and stepped back to
lean against his wooden stall again, clutching his heart as if she’d robbed
him of it.
“Merci!” she called to him and continued making her way down the
Her travels were filled with stories just like this. Since she was
traveling alone, with no one to share her adventures with, she’d started a
video blog.
Lifting her phone, she swiped her screen to start a video recording.
When she saw her face onscreen, her pink cheeks matched the flower the
flirtatious man had tucked behind her ear.
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