Crown of Light and Shadows by G.K. DeRosa EPUB & PDF

Crown of Light and Shadows (COURTS OF AETHERIA #1) by G.K. DeRosa EPUB & PDF

Crown of Light and Shadows (COURTS OF AETHERIA #1) by G.K. DeRosa EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: G.K. DeRosa
  • Language: English
  • Genre: fantasy romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.4 MB
  • Price: Free

I pray to the goddess that the Fae lord who comes for me will be weak.
It was a silly prayer, but one that I’d repeated daily since the moment I
discovered my inescapable fate as a magicless female Kin. I was destined to
become the lifelong servant to a high Fae from one of the feuding courts
upon my twentieth birthday. Tomorrow.

The setting sun crept across my bare shoulders, seeping into the light
tunic from which I’d ripped the sleeves. I preferred to train in my leathers
and the light frock, as opposed to the unwieldy sack-like dresses female Kin
were supposed to wear. Balancing the worn hilt of the dagger Aidan had
gifted me on my fifteenth birthday on my finger, I focused on keeping it
upright with just the slightest movement of my hand.

Only a few more
seconds… Sweat beaded along my brow as I concentrated, my muscles
tense from the strain. A strand of platinum hair fell across my forehead.
Cursing, I blew it out of my face, and it settled atop my midnight locks. I’d
been born with the strange white-blonde streak, and despite numerous
attempts at tinting it with herbs of every shade of the rainbow, it refused to
absorb color.

“Focus, Aelia.” That gentle, sobering timbre centered my scattered

For as long as I could remember, Aidan had drilled into my head the
importance of not only brute strength, but also patience and control. I
tended to ignore the latter. If I could simply outmaneuver my opponent with
my sword or stealthy daggers, I could gain the upper hand. Which was
exactly why I hoped for a weak Fae from whose clutches I could escape.

Beyond that, my plan was to return for Aidan, then travel to the Wilds,
the desolate lands that stretched south of the courts of Aetheria. Surely, the
mythical monsters that roamed the cursed territory would be preferable to
returning to my home in Feywood and facing certain death. I didn’t fear
death, nor the god of eternal darkness, Noxus, but I would never risk
Aidan’s life, the man who selflessly raised me all these years.

“Very good, Aelia, and release.” Aidan’s voice drew me back to the
present and the dagger I still precariously balanced. With a quick flip of my
wrist, I sent it skyward, snatched it mid-air, and tossed it toward the target
ten yards away. I watched as it sailed end-over-end before sinking into the
straw figure across the field with a satisfying thwack.

“Always showing off.” A moment later, Aidan appeared by my side with
my dagger in his hand and a grin pulling at his chapped lips. His silver hair
was neatly secured at his nape, despite the beads of sweat on his brow.
Wisps of white hair mottled his upper lip and strong jawline, betraying his

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