Crazy Psycho (RBMC: OMAHA CHAPTER #3) by Kristine Dugger EPUB & PDF

Crazy Psycho (RBMC: OMAHA CHAPTER #3) by Kristine Dugger EPUB & PDF

Crazy Psycho (RBMC: OMAHA CHAPTER #3) by Kristine Dugger EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Kristine Dugger
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“Oh, my goodness, Ben,” I yell from across the room.
“Whaaaaaat??” my brother screams back.

This kid can drive me crazy most days. I love him so damn much,
but fuck. I never thought at the young age of twenty-one I would become a
mother. Technically, I am not a mother, but after my parents were killed in a
horrific car accident, I became the guardian for my younger brother. It is
just Ben and I. Yeah, we have an older brother, but he is too busy with his
own life. I get it. His hours are a mess and then the whole new family thing.

He has twins. I have been doing this single-parent thing for the last five
years. Ben is fourteen now. It is getting easier. He is capable of doing his
own thing. For example, getting himself up in the morning and making his
own food. Actually, I can start having a life. Ben has been my focus and
still is, but I finally get to live life. However, being nonexistent in the social
life scene has put me out of the game for sure. I am in my twenties and
clueless about what my age group does these days. It’s a Friday night. Ben
is staying the night with his friends. I get to have a girl’s night out. I am
beyond excited about it. What is a woman to do on a Friday night?
“Ben, you need to do the dishes before you go to Braden’s,” I yell
at him while looking at a sink full of dishes.

“Ugh. Do I have to?”
“Ben! Yes! That was the agreement.”
“What chores are you doing?”
“Last I checked, I pay for the roof over your head and the food you
“Mom and Dad left you the house.”
“Yeah, but I still pay for everything for this house to run. Stop
arguing with me and do the dishes.”
Ben comes stopping down the stairs and sternly says, “Fine.”
“Oh my goodness, life is so hard.” I laugh.

He rolls his eyes at me and gets to cleaning the dishes.
I head up the stairs and to my bathroom to get ready. I have no clue
what to wear. It is a nice spring night, not too chilly but I do need a sweater.
I look through my closet and try to figure out what to wear.

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