Crash Site by Rachel Grant EPUB & PDF

Crash Site by Rachel Grant EPUB & PDF

Crash Site by Rachel Grant EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Literary Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Page: 210
  • Price: Free

Ruby Island
Caribbean Sea
Fiona Carver had conducted fieldwork in some incredible places in the fifteen years since her archaeological field school, but Ruby Island might be the most
unrelentingly perfect. The island had a volcano, rainforest, both sandy and rocky beaches, lore of Spanish gold hidden in unexplored caves, and a 375-year-old
star fort. The fort was her destination now as she led a small group up the hillside to the promontory where the massive historic stone structure loomed over the
vibrant turquoise Caribbean Sea.

In the 1970s, a wealthy American shipping magnate leased Ruby Island from the Commonwealth of Dominica, an island nation in the Lesser Antilles.
The lease had a few years before it was up for renewal, and the leaseholder’s grandson, Jude Reynolds, was eager to show Dominica he was a good steward for
the land and secure another fifty-year contract.
Fiona didn’t blame him. Ifshe had her own private Caribbean paradise, she wouldn’t want to give it up either.
They reached the top of the rise, and she could just see the much larger island of Dominica in the distance, while one of the sheer stone walls of the fort
loomed above to the southeast.

Laborers had been hard at work last week cleaning up and removing modern-era debris from the site. The view today was quite different from what
had greeted her when she’d first hiked here two weeks ago, the day after she arrived on the island.
Dr. Isaac Finch, a retired archaeologist and the world’s foremost expert on Dominican history from post-Columbian contact to the present, let out a lowwhistle at the sight. “It’s nice to see the Reynolds family is finally doing something to clean up Fort Domingo. Last time I was here, it was still littered with garbage
from the storage structures that were put up in the sixties and then taken out by Hurricane Dean in 2007. They never should have built so close to the fort in the

first place. Leaving the collapsed building to rust and rot was insult to injury.” Fiona could only nod in agreement, glad the remaining built environment on the island—a luxurious estate that included a large mansion, servant
bungalows, a solar and wind power station, a small runway, plus several outbuildings related to the fleet of boats and fuel dock the estate required—was confined

to the opposite end of the island. Ruby Island’s previous leaseholder had built too close to the historic fort, which could have had something to do with the man
losing the lease in favor of the Reynolds family a decade later.

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