Cover the Bones by Rachel Amphlett EPUB & PDF

Cover the Bones by Rachel Amphlett EPUB & PDF

Cover the Bones by Rachel Amphlett EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Rachel Amphlett
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Noir Crime
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

South-east of Didcot
Derek Andrews scratched at his greying beard and squinted against the
bright afternoon sunshine.
The wide field had been planted with barley until recently, stubble
remaining in the tractor wheel ruts under his boots and grain scattered
where it had escaped capture.
A cloudless blue sky cradling a late-summer sun warmed his back while
he peered up at the fifty-metre-high steel electricity pylon beside him. The
static charge from the structure was tangible, tickling the fine hairs on his
bare arms.

Keeping a wary eye on the archaeological magnetometer hanging from
canvas straps over his shoulders, he reached around to tug at the collar of
his polo shirt to stop it sticking to the back of his neck. Adjusting the
bandanna that covered his head and provided some protection from the
sun’s glare, he lowered his gaze to his notebook, checked the grid
references on the screen in front of him, and grunted under his breath.
‘Fancy a quick drink after work, love?’

He glanced over his shoulder at the voice and smiled as Michelle
wandered between the series of tiny yellow flags that poked out from the
dirt, her skin bronzed after the previous week’s outdoor work.
‘Who else is going?’ he said, jutting out his hip to take the weight of the
magnetometer while he waited for her.

‘Gerry said he might – he isn’t planning on heading back to Reading
until tomorrow. Tim, too – and I think Helen might come along. She said
she was going to phone her other half and see if he can sort out the kids’
dinner. I figured at least that way we could relax while we share the updates
from the weekend.’ Michelle stopped next to him and raised a hand to
shield her eyes from the sun as she peered at the field boundary. ‘You’d
have thought they’d have done this when they finalised the planning
application instead of leaving it until the last minute.’

Derek turned his attention to where she looked, running his gaze over
the line of heavy plant machinery churning up the soil in the adjacent field.
A wide ditch had been carved into the earth over there, the pale grey clay
and chalk-heavy soil cast to one side in gigantic piles that baked in the
August heat.

‘It was probably too wet in March to get conclusive results. That’s why
they opted for a drone survey instead back then, I suppose.’ He swallowed,
his tongue scoring the top of his mouth, and he nodded his thanks as
Michelle handed him a bottle of water. ‘Anyway, it does us a favour,
doesn’t it? Helps us top up the coffers before winter sets in.’

‘True. So, what about that pint?’
‘I think I could be persuaded,’ he said, grinning. He took a swig of the
water, then swiped the back of his hand across his mouth. ‘Where’re they
planning on going?’
‘Probably the one in the village.’ Michelle shrugged. ‘It’s the nearest, so
more convenient for everyone.’

‘Okay.’ Derek held out the water bottle. ‘Thanks.’
‘Put it in your satchel, just in case. I don’t mind driving home after the
pub if you want more than one, either.

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