Court of Death by K.A Knight EPUB & PDF

Court of Death by K.A Knight EPUB & PDF

Court of Death by K.A Knight EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: K.A Knight
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Gothic Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I ignore everyone else in the club, focusing on the swirling drink before
me—a drink that should kill me. I sense the new judges, the kings and
queen everyone is talking about, but if they want to kill me, then let
them. I would crave it, just for a moment.

But no, I can’t do that. It’s the easy way out, and I’ve never been good
at taking that route. Still, I ignore all the posturing and stares of the others at
the bar, my shoulders slumped. Tonight had been bad. Why did I do it?
Why did I think they would feed me? I knew better than to go to one of the
parties, even in my desperation to feed, but I did it only to be publicly
rejected and scolded before the entire court.

It’s why I stay away as long as I can. I had managed to stay away for
two months before tonight, and I vow to myself it will be longer still. I will
never go back if I can help it. After all, it’s never been a place of safety or
home for me simply because of what I am.

Downing the drink, I signal for another, ignoring the fighting and
yelling I hear. Hell, it might even be for the best that we all die here. I’m
drowning my misery in alcohol when alarm bells go off in my head—not
literally, but a bad feeling forms inside me, like when you look down a
darkened alley and know you shouldn’t enter it. It’s instinct born from my
other half, but there is barely anyone I care about left in this world who
could be in danger, and I’m not in immediate danger, so that only leaves . . .

I’m up before anyone even sees me move. Usually, I hesitate to use my
magic in front of people. I was taught it was wrong, a sin, and that I should
blend in and be like every other vampyr, but the alarm increases in my
head, so I evaporate right there in the middle of the club, fading out of
existence. The ease of which I travel is halted by my need to lock onto his
location. I follow the alarm bells and eventually come into view outside of
the three-story townhouse he shares with his mate.

Hurrying up the steps, I pant as the warning blares louder. My body
vibrates, ready for a fight, and my magic and power mix, but it’s lesser than
normal, merely a tiny spark where it should be a flame—not that I’ve ever
fed enough to test the strengths of both my powers, preferring to keep
myself half-starved so they don’t expose me or make me a target, but I’m
running on empty.

Stupid, so fucking stupid.
At the bright eggshell-white front door, I freeze when I see a red
handprint mars its perfection. All three of us painted it one summer day
before indulging in a BBQ.
It’s a warning of what’s to come, and when I lay my hand on the knob,
my instincts roar at me to leave.

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