Cookies and Cream by Frankie Love EPUB & PDF

Cookies and Cream by Frankie Love EPUB & PDF

Cookies and Cream by Frankie Love EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  •  Author: Frankie Love
  •  Language: English
  •  Formats: PDF / EPUB
  •  Status: Available For Free Download
  •  Genre: Two-Hour Romance Short Reads
  •  Price: Free
  •  File Size: 2 MB

planned for today.

A new barn for the Crumble ranch. The operation has always been
expanding, but usually we got some outside contractors to come in and build
the new homes for our cows. Since I’d been leaning into construction as a
long term career prospect, I figure I’d contribute to the ranch before I moved
on and made my own way.

Rainier would be the one taking over the farm when the old man steps
down, and he’s well on his way to being the new Crumble family patriarch.
It’s the blessing of being the first born and all that good stuff, I guess.
It’s not that I’m being forced out or anything either. My father always
talked up the Crumble farm as something that my brother, my sister, and I
would all inherit. That it belongs to all of us. Rainier has never shown me
anything but absolute respect in the business sense, most of our spats just
being typical sibling rivalry.

I look over at him, and out comes his girl. Sugar. A hot little thing, he
chuckles as he goes to wrap his hands around her curvaceous hips and they
share a kiss. The feeling of jealousy is strong within me, and if I were a lesser
man I’d probably whine and complain.

But I don’t. Rainier found love. I didn’t. That’s just how it is.
A truck rolls up to the farm, and the doors open. My sister Cookie is one
of our visitors, and she’s blushing red. Opposite of her is Baker, her own new

Almost simultaneously, my siblings had found love. Right around
Christmas too, absolutely saccharine and so sweet it’s almost sickening. In
the month and a half since then, the lovey-doveyness hasn’t faded.
The four of them come together, and start having a chat as I put away my

“Hood!” Cookie calls out. “We’re trying to decide where we want to go
for Valentine’s day dinner. Come over and join the discussion, would you?”
I let out a long sigh. Valentine’s Day. Because what I need is an extra
dose of feeling lonely on top of it all.

“I wouldn’t want to mess up the chemistry of your double date,” I shout
back with a smile. “Besides, I’m pretty happy going up to my cabin and just
having poor lonely guy pizza.”
“Don’t make yourself a stranger, brother,” Rainier says. “You’re still
family, no matter what happens.”

“And I don’t doubt a word you say,” I reply as I bring my bag to my
snowmobile and tie it down. “But Being a fifth wheel ain’t my thing. I’ll see
you four around. Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you.”
I rev up my vehicle, and I can’t hear what they say in response. Probably
just wishing me well. There isn’t any cruelty in any of their words. I’m happy
that my brother and sister found love. But it just makes everything I know
about my future even more clear.

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