Controlled (CRUEL KINGS #2) by Piper Stone EPUB & PDF

Controlled (CRUEL KINGS #2) by Piper Stone EPUB & PDF

Controlled (CRUEL KINGS #2) by Piper Stone EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Piper Stone
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.6 MB
  • Price: Free

Twenty years later
The stench of blood in the air was more enjoyable than it had been in a hell
of a long time. The beast inside of me had already risen, demanding his
pound of flesh for the betrayal. While lately I’d sent my men to handle
losers and rats, my time taken with building the Saint Empire, including
that of our weapons corporation, I’d craved getting my hands dirty.

I’d been determined to take out the assholes myself. I stood over one of
them, fisting the broken man’s shaggy hair, staring down at his brutally
beaten face. My soldiers had worked him and the other two men over prior
to me arriving at what I liked to call my warehouse sanctuary. My family’s
corporation owned dozens of buildings in Chicago, some worth millions
while others were slated to be torn down. At some point. And this building
in particular had been targeted for demolition in the next two weeks.

Fortunately, a new pad of concrete was about to be poured, the thick
foundation of a brand-new arts building. Our family had ventured into less
profitable but soul healing decisions including funding various arts
programs in our beloved city. Well, Chicago was only home to two of the
three Saint children, my older brother Styx returning to his life as a surgeon
in Boston. However, he’d convinced Easton and me that providing a
location for students in several artistic programs who couldn’t otherwise
afford a formal education was ideal for our reputation.

Without actually trying, we’d become heroes in just a few months, our
donations to the ballet, opera, symphony, and arts foundations bringing us
the kind of recognition one couldn’t buy even with the billions of dollars we
had. That had forced the typical haters of our main business operations to
take a couple of steps back. Yes, we were the world’s largest and most
profitable producers of combat weapons in the world. Our technology was
off the charts, our designers and scientists creating everything from security
devices to undetectable bombs.

That had brought us thousands of haters over the years. But we weren’t
daunted, only careful who we sold to.

My thoughts drifted to longing for a hunt, the desire taking me back almost
twenty years to when my brothers and I had been young and stupidly naïve.
We’d cried for our mother who’d walked out on us. But I knew the truth,
even if I hadn’t told my brothers what I’d found. I hadn’t needed to.
But the day I’d found her bones in a shallow grave on the property I still
owned, the dress we’d last seen her in a dead giveaway, I’d ceased the hunts
altogether. My father had killed her, driving a single bullet into her brain.

Maybe I’d known it all along. Maybe I hadn’t wanted to believe it.
But it had added credence to how we’d all come together to handle our
father’s brutality, taking out his hatred on his own children.

It was strange to think about the past now, something I’d fought hard not to
do over the years. All three of us had. I hadn’t even stepped foot on the
hunting grounds in well over eight years, if not longer. But now? It was all
I’d been able to think about as of late.

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