Command Authority by Tom Clancy EPUB & PDF

Command Authority by Tom Clancy EPUB & PDF

Command Authority by Tom Clancy EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Tom Clancy
  • Language: English
  • Genre: War Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 6 MB
  • Price: Free

Present day
The black Bronco shot through the storm, its tires kicking up mud and
water and grit as it raced along the gravel road, and rain pelted the
windshield faster than the wipers could clear it.

As the truck charged along at sixty miles an hour, the back doors opened
and two armed men climbed out and into the rain, one on each side. The men
stood on the running boards and held on to the door frame with gloved hands.
Their eyes were protected from the mud and flying rocks and water by large
goggles, but their black Nomex suits and the submachine guns around their
necks were wet and mud-splattered in moments along with the rest of their
gear: helmets with integrated headsets, ballistic protection on their chests and
backs, knee and elbow pads, and magazine pouches. Everything was soaked
and caked with mud by the time the Bronco closed on a cabin in the center of
a rain-swept pasture.

The vehicle decelerated quickly, skidding to a stop just twenty feet from
the front door. The two men on the running boards leapt off and raced toward
the building, their weapons scanning the trees all around, searching for any
targets. The driver of the Bronco joined soon after; just like the others, he
carried an H&K submachine gun with a fat silencer on the end of the barrel.
The three operators formed in a tight stack near the entrance, and the man
in front reached forward and tried the door latch.

It was locked.
The man in the back of the stack—the driver—stepped forward now,
without a word. He let his H&K drop free on his chest, and he reached behind
his back and pulled a pistol-grip shotgun from his pack. The weapon was
loaded with Disintegrator breaching rounds: three-inch magnum shells with
fifty-gram projectiles made of a steel powder bound by plastic.
The operator placed the barrel of the shotgun six inches from the top
hinge of the door, and he fired a Disintegrator directly into the hinge. With an
enormous boom and a wide blast of flame, the steel powder load slammed
into the wood, blowing the hinge from the door frame.
He fired a second round into the lower hinge, then kicked the door,
which fell into the room beyond.

The shotgunner stepped to the side and the two men holding automatic
weapons rushed into the dark room, guns up and weapon lights burning arcs
in the black. The driver restowed his shotgun, grabbed his H&K, and joined
up with the others in the room.

Each man had a sector to clear and did so quickly and efficiently. In three
seconds they began moving toward a hallway that led to the rear of the cabin.
Two open doorways were in front of them now, one on each side of the
hall, with a closed door down at the end. The first and second men in the train
peeled away; number one went left through the doorway, and number two
went into the room on the right. Both men found targets and fired; suppressed
rounds thumped loudly in the confined space of the cabin.

While the first two men were engaging in the rooms, the lone man still in
the hallway kept his weapon trained on the door ahead, knowing full well he
would be exposed from behind if anyone entered the cabin from the outside.
Quickly the two men returned to the hallway and aimed their guns
forward, and the man at the rear turned around to check behind them. A
second later they moved on to the closed door. They stacked up again, and
the first man quietly checked the latch.

It was unlocked, so he paused only long enough to lower his body a few
inches while his mates did the same. Then the three men moved in as a team,
and the lights under the three guns swept their sectors.

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