Coming Home for Us by Carrie Ann Ryan EPUB & PDF

Coming Home for Us by Carrie Ann Ryan EPUB & PDF

Coming Home for Us by Carrie Ann Ryan EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  •  Author: Carrie Ann Ryan
  • Language: English
  • Formats: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Genre: Romantic Suspense
  • Price: Free
  • File Size: 2 MB

When my phone began to chirp with notifications in rapid, staccato
bursts, I knew my morning would end in shambles. I paused my yoga
program on my laptop, slid out of downward dog awkwardly, and
then picked up my phone. It continued to buzz, one right after another, and I
cursed myself for setting my notifications to alerts, sound, vibrations, and
flash. Before this job with the Wilders, I had been able to hide from all social
media and email notifications.

I had been able to decide whether I wanted to
check those little red boxes on my phone or not. Now, though, I needed to
know immediately what was going on. I was the wine club and tasting
manager of Wilder Wines. Meaning people needed to know where I was, and
I needed to be on top of things. Only as my phone did its own little break
dance across my hardwood floors I winced.

No, today was not going to be a good day.
I sat down cross-legged on the floor, rolled my shoulders back, and
figured that half of a workout was at least decent.
I looked at the screen, and my eyes closed.
Seventy-four new messages.

I had just checked my email earlier and everything had been labeled and
set in the correct folders for priority, while eating quick overnight oats with
my coffee before I worked out. I wasn’t one of those people that could just
wake up and do things without food in my stomach. No, even half-blurry,
one-eye open, still crust in that eye, I needed food in my stomach.

I was the exact opposite of all of my friends, but it didn’t matter. I knew
my routine, so I checked my email while doing that, and now I was supposed
to be enjoying a nice relaxing workout, only it didn’t seem to be that way.
I opened up the first email and cursed.
“Are you kidding me? Seriously? No. Someone couldn’t be that stupid.”
But they were.

A local business had cc’d instead of bcc’d three hundred or so people a
confidential email. One that had to do with a wine club festival we were
trying to be invited to.
Oh, dear God.
And it wasn’t just that he had cc’d instead of blind copied. Now we could
all see each other’s emails, could see who was on this list, who wasn’t, and
who was important enough to be considered.
The next email, of course, was an apology, this time a blind copy which
didn’t negate the fact that he had already ruined the day for so many of us—
including himself.
Because now the worst was happening.
Not just the confidential email with contract language and introductions.
All of those things needed to be personalized and hidden.

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