Coming Home by Ellie Peat EPUB & PDF

Coming Home (HOME SWEET HOME #1) by Ellie Peat EPUB & PDF

Coming Home (HOME SWEET HOME #1) by Ellie Peat EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Ellie Peat
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.2 MB
  • Price: Free

The elevator chimed its arrival on the top floor of a twenty-five-story
building located smack dab in the middle of the Loop in Chicago. Scott
Brandonson cared little about real estate location, but his clients cared a lot.
Not that many of them ever visited the office. Scott almost always went to
them. However, his clients wanted to be able to one-up their colleagues
when they compared their agent’s office locations.

Scott plastered on the charmingly insincere grin he’d perfected back in
high school and stepped into the bustling office space. Stopping in front of
his assistant’s desk, Scott set a cup of coffee down on Georgia’s desk and
patiently waited for her to finish a phone call.

He’d inherited Georgia from his mentor, Les, who abruptly retired five
years ago and surprised the sporting world by handing off his agency and
all his clients to the then twenty-seven-year-old Scott. In actuality, Les
handed off the agency to Scott, but under the capable hands of Georgia. She
had guided Scott along the path to his success and to the title of wunderkind
of sports agents.

The older woman looked up at him and smiled as she hung up the
phone. “Good morning, Scott. The commissioner called. He wants to know
what you know and how you know it.”

Scott grinned at the woman, who by all rights should have retired when
Les had. “I went to law school with the independent investigator’s son. She
called me to ask some background questions when she realized the league
was giving her scripted answers. I didn’t read her report, but I could guess
the way the wind was blowing by her questions.”

“We’ll just tell him it was your keen sense of observation, then.”
“Good idea.”
“Want me to get Arlen on the phone?”
“Please.” He continued on to his office door then stopped just before
walking into his sanctum while at work. “Georgia, what am I going to do
when you retire?”

“I’m not retiring anytime soon.”
“Why not? Didn’t your husband retire a few years ago?”
“I promised Les I’d watch over you.”
“I can survive just fine on my own. It will be difficult, but I think I can
manage without you.”

She made a noise of disagreement but didn’t say anything.
A young man, a boy really, hurried down the hall and came to an abrupt
halt when he spotted Scott in the hallway. “Good morning, Mr.
“Mark.” Scott nodded to the kid as he resumed his race to wherever it
was he was headed.

“Mike.” Georgia corrected Scott.
“Mike. His name is Mike, not Mark. But you got two letters right, so
that’s something.”

“I could have sworn his name was Mark.”
“Probably because you called him that once, and he’s too scared to
correct you. Interns are kind of stupid that way. Les called you Steve for
three months and you never corrected him.”
Scott brushed away Georgia’s words with a wave of his hand and
stepped into his office. “Arlen, Georgia.”

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