Cold Hard Cash by K.L. Hiers EPUB & PDF

Cold Hard Cash by K.L. Hiers EPUB & PDF

Cold Hard Cash by K.L. Hiers EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: K.L. Hiers
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Eighty-six dollars and nineteen cents.
Jimmy Poe counted it all out, staring down at the money on his counter in
dismay. It wasn’t enough, not even close.
He’d lost his job at the grocery store that morning because he’d been over
an hour late for the third time already that week. Sixteen out of the twenty
days he was scheduled to work this month he’d either been late or called
Too many absences, too many tardies, his manager had told him. He was

Jimmy had begged, desperate for one more chance. He’d been meeting with
his father’s attorney to hopefully get a new trial soon and lost track of time.
It would never happen again, not ever, he’d pleaded.

His manager was not moved in the slightest, giving him his last check and
quickly showing him the door. Defeated and sullen, Jimmy had cashed the
measly check and returned home only to find more bad news awaited him.
Rent was overdue, had been for some time, and an eviction notice greeted
him on his apartment door. He lightly banged his head against the frame,
groaning loudly and fighting back a wave of tears. Today had easily been
one of the worst days of his entire life.

And he still had one more errand to run, the worst one of all.
He had to go explain why he couldn’t make a payment this month to his
loan shark. Considering he hadn’t paid last month, well, he didn’t expect
the conversation to go very well.

Now, staring at his eighty-six dollars and nineteen cents, he sighed
miserably, then looked about his tiny apartment with a sad frown. He’d
already pawned anything of value weeks ago to buy groceries. He didn’t
even own a television anymore, much less a cell phone. He’d checked his
ratty sofa twice for loose change and even down in between the cushions of
his recliner.

He was so fucked.
Jimmy scraped the money off the counter, every last penny, and carefully
tucked it all away into his pocket. Taking a deep breath, he headed out to
see Maury, praying he’d find him in a generous mood.

Maurice Martine was a shark with a legendary reputation. Maury the
Mouth, people called him, known for being quite chatty and for his long,
wide lips. Once upon a time, he’d also been known to be pretty fierce with a
crowbar if payment didn’t arrive in a timely manner.

In his golden years now, he was a tad tamer, and Jimmy had known him
since he was a child. Maury was still a bit rough around the edges, but he
was the only friend Jimmy had.

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