Closing the Distance by Cadence Keys EPUB & PDF

Closing the Distance (LA WOLVES #7) by Cadence Keys EPUB & PDF

Closing the Distance (LA WOLVES #7) by Cadence Keys EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Cadence Keys
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

This is not how I usually spend a Friday night. Actually, this isn’t how I’d
choose to spend any night, but when your best friend calls you and begs you
to go out with her so she can get over her shitty ex, you put aside your
personal desires and put on the sluttiest dress you own—which is arguably
not that slutty at all—and join her in a night of debauchery.
As I toss back another shot of liquid courage, I decide to say “fuck it”
and throw caution to the wind. Maybe it’s good for me to do something out
of my norm.

Blaire tosses her hands up in the air as she smiles at me. “Hell yeah.
Lexi is finally letting loose.”
I give her a wan smile as I fight the urge to cough from the burning
sensation working its way through my chest into the pit of my stomach.
I can barely hear her over the pounding bass in the fancy Hollywood
club she chose. I take a sip of lemon water, hoping it’ll cool the burning of
the shot, and remind myself I’m doing this for her. It doesn’t matter if I’d
much rather be curled up at home in the oversized beanbag I got on sale at
Target with the latest romance pulled up on my tablet that I bought just to
try to reduce my book buying.

Books are my happy place, and I’m much more comfortable getting lost
in a book than fighting against the overly loud music blaring through this
club just to have a conversation with my friend.
God, I sound like I’m eighty-seven instead of twenty-seven.

Blaire tosses back her own shot and then grabs my hand and pulls me
away from the bar into the throng of people. She lets her body move to the
beat of the music, and I stand there trying to find my rhythm, but I’ve not
had nearly enough alcohol. She squints at me when she notices my lame
moves, and I offer her a shrug.
“You are too hot to dance this badly,” she shouts.
“I like to be unique!” I shout back with a smile.

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