Claiming His Mate by A.G. Wilde EPUB & PDF

Claiming His Mate by A.G. Wilde EPUB & PDF

Claiming His Mate by A.G. Wilde EPUB & PDF – eBook Details

  •  Author: A.G. Wilde
  •  Language: English
  •  Formats: PDF / EPUB
  •  Status: Available For Free Download
  •  Series: None
  •  Price: Free
  •  File Size: 1 MB

My hand tightens around my ticket, almost crushing it as I enter the ship.
There’s no one to greet us at the entrance, and no staff waiting with smiles at
the reception counter except for an old droid.

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It scans my face and beeps, flashing green.
“Welcome, Marion Taylor. Your room is 5B. Please make your way to
your quarters until the vessel ascends.”
I grip the ticket tighter, my heart thumping with what could either be
excitement or just rising anxiety.
Glancing behind me at the people waiting in line, I lower my voice, my
cheeks warming.

“Um, wh-where are my quarters?”
I’ve never been on a cruise before, much less one touted as a luxury affair
sponsored by the World Government.
Heck, I’ve never even been in a ship that went off-world before. I have no
idea where “my quarters” are.
The droid creaks as it turns its head to the left to look down the corridor.
It raises a metal arm and points.

“Follow the neon lights,” it says, before turning to face me again.
“Thanks.” I frown a little as it turns its attention to the woman behind me.
Her eyes look right through me and my gaze falls to the white cane in her
hand. It’s one of the older models, from hundreds of years ago—as are most
of the items from the lower levels. Like my dress and everything I own.
“Next,” the droid says, and just like that, I’m dismissed.
My frown deepens.

For a luxury cruise, you’d think the government would at least put a droid
that’s newer, or better serviced, at the reception counter. Shaking my head, I
push the thought from my mind as I turn away from the counter and begin
walking down the corridor.

The hem of the long maxi dress I’m wearing brushes against my ankles in
the cool breeze coming up from the floor vents, and I wrap my arm around
my waist. It’s chilly. I probably shouldn’t have chosen a sleeveless dress.
As I go further into the ship, though, the breeze lessens, and soon I catch
sight of the room numbers on the doors I’m passing.
5B. I’m 5B.

I scan the doors, but I’m currently passing level one, it seems. Other
people are before me too, heading to their quarters as instructed. All women.
I glance back and the blind woman is about twelve feet behind me,
heading down the corridor too.

Far behind her, a woman with crutches is at the droid’s counter. I am yet
to see any men.
Not that I mind. The less men the merrier.
Ahead, there is soft chatter and I realize some of the women must know
each other from the outside.
I glance around. I don’t know anyone here.
I wouldn’t.

None of the people I know got an invitation to go on this cruise—few
people get invites to go on free space cruises, period.
That’s something only the upper, upper class has access to.
And that’s why this is so hard to believe. That out of the many, many
people on the ground, I was one of the government’s top picks for this trip.
It’s an amazing opportunity.

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