Cinders of Glass by Celeste Baxendell EPUB & PDF

Cinders of Glass by Celeste Baxendell EPUB & PDF

Cinders of Glass by Celeste Baxendell EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Author: Celeste Baxendell
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Teen & Young Adult Fairy Tales & Folklore Adaptations eBooks
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

If Liora dropped dead, no one in Avia’s crowded market square
would bat an eye at her. The first week she’d been put in charge of
her family’s stall, she’d spent it yelling at the top of her lungs. She might as
well have been invisible for all the good it had done her. No one had spared
her a second glance. Months later, nothing had changed.

Instead, Liora contented herself with occasionally calling out into the
crowd, when the noise level dropped. She never got a customer for it. Even
at her loudest, her voice was too weak. Still, she saw it work for the other
stalls. Maybe one day she might get lucky.

“Enchanted matches!” Liora called out, waving one arm with a twinetied bundle of matches. When no one looked her way, she leaned back
under the shade of her tiny stall and rested her hands on the rough, wooden
countertop. She always lost count of how many splinters she picked out
from her hands when her day was done. Although… it wasn’t as many as
she ignored, deciding the effort wasn’t worth it.

Instead, she picked up the light blue bundle of fabric sitting on top of
her crate before taking her seat again. She spread the dress over her legs and
picked up her needle once again.

Avia’s main market square was always crowded, and even though Liora
didn’t see much business, the stalls around her did. Sometimes, if she was
lucky, a street performer would draw up a crowd in front of the old
fountain. If she sat on top of her counter and the crowd wasn’t too tall, she
could even see the show. Most days she couldn’t, so she didn’t bother.
Her tiny stall was squished on both sides by much larger, far more
popular stalls. The stall on her right sold silk fabric imported from Esmea.

While they mostly sold regular fabric, it was exquisite and far more
expensive than the average citizen could afford, making it a popular spot
among the wealthier merchants and the court. It did, on occasion, get a bolt
of fabric enchanted to shimmer or change color, which always sold as soon
as it came in.

The Esmean fabrics made the light blue dress Liora was mending look
like a bundle of rags in comparison. On the other hand, the light blue dress
looked like an elegant ballgown compared to Liora’s thin, shabby outfit.
She handled the blue dress like it was made of glass.
The stall on Liora’s left belonged to a baker and her husband, a wizard.

From what Liora could tell, he wasn’t all that powerful. He seemed to have
just enough magical ability to help his wife create their trick pastries. Liora
always read their signs to see what they offered. Since she’d started running
her family’s stall, she’d seen everything from a one-question truth cookie to
a cake that changed the eater’s hair color for a week.

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