Christian by A.F. Montoya EPUB & PDF

Christian by A.F. Montoya EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: A.F. Montoya
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4 MB
  • Price: Free

I hated, hated, hated Andrew’s new assistant. Which made my job as his
trainer that much more difficult. We went through probably hundreds of
applicants, had dozens of interviews, even had a few trial runs, but this was
who Andrew settled on? If I didn’t know he was deeply in love with his
mate, I’d have to wonder if looks alone were what Andrew used to consider
his assistant. Because, while yes, Jack was very pretty, he was also really

I always took pride in my work. When Link told me Aiden needed a
new assistant, I volunteered for the job. I always had the option to join the
company. Aiden liked to keep his family close while pretending not to care.
I never considered it before because I couldn’t decide what I wanted to do
with my life and I didn’t want to be a burden. But taking care of people, I
knew how to do. I never told Aiden why, and he never asked, but I had the
skill set to do the job well and when I excelled, Aiden started giving me
more responsibilities. Now, I could run the entire company on my own if I
had any interest in that. I didn’t, I liked my place and having that many
people relying on me at once was stressful, but I took on Aiden’s
responsibilities when he was too busy to do it himself.

Jack, on the other hand…
Not that he didn’t care. He was serious when he needed to be, and his
resume was stellar, but more often than not, he was getting himself into
trouble. I had to question the validity of his resume more than once, because
no one with that kind of education should mess up like this.

“Tell me again what happened.”
“I was making the copies, and it just crapped out,” he shrugged.
It took work not to roll my eyes. That wasn’t appropriate to do in the
office, even though it was a valid response.

“Crapped out?” I repeated with an accidental bite to my tone.
“Yeah. You know. Went to shit. Stalled out. Busted.”
“I get it,” I snapped, scanning the copy machine. I walked away for five
minutes, and this was what happened. Every single time. I still didn’t know
what Andrew saw in Jack when he picked him. If the final decision had
been up to me, I would’ve gone in another direction. Like in the opposite

It took some work, but I figured out what went wrong. Sort of. I didn’t
know how he managed to change the language settings, much less set the
thing up to bind books instead of copy, but I got it back in working order
and spun around, sighing heavily when I caught him playing with his phone
while leaning against a table behind him.

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