Chosen by the Chimera by Evangeline Anderson EPUB & PDF

Chosen by the Chimera (THE MONSTRUM KINDRED #8) by Evangeline Anderson EPUB & PDF

Chosen by the Chimera (THE MONSTRUM KINDRED #8) by Evangeline Anderson EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Evangeline Anderson
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“No…no!” Abbey shifted and turned on her side, her long eyelashes
fluttering as she clutched at the sheets. She was having the dream
again—the one she couldn’t wake up from.

In her dreams, she could see again. The cloudy fog that had covered her
vision completely since her early twenties was lifted and everything was
sharp and bright. The change should have delighted her—she missed seeing
details. Instead, what she saw terrified her.

She wasn’t looking through her own eyes—that much was clear. Not
just because she could see again with amazing accuracy, but because
whosever eyes she was borrowing, was huge. Abbey felt she was looking
down from a great height on the world below.

But it wasn’t just the height of the man who bothered her—because yes,
it was most definitely a man whose eyes she was seeing through. It was the
sound of his voice when he talked—it was a deep, inhuman growling that
seemed to shake her bones.

Sometimes Abbey caught a glimpse of his muscular forearms and
hands. His skin had a strange, golden sheen to it—almost as though he was
covered in fur— and his fingers were long and powerful. He was easily
strong enough to overpower her—to hurt her and take what he wanted.
And in Abbey’s experience, that was all men wanted.

“Soon,” he was saying in that deep, growling voice. “I’ll find her soon,
I know it. I’m so close now—I’ve narrowed it down to a single Earth city.
Every time I Dream Share with her, I gather more details.”
“You’ve been saying that for months,” another male voice replied.

“How can you be sure you’ve got the right place?”
“I’m not completely positive—yet. But I’m sure now about where she
works—it’s a shop that sells flowers. They specialize in a kind of Earth
bloom called a ‘rose.’ That’s where I’ll find her the next time I go down to
Earth—I’m sure of it.”

“Well, I wish you luck, Brother,” the other voice replied. “I know you’re
eager to Claim your bride.”
“More than eager,” the deep voice growled, sending a shiver down
Abbey’s spine. “Can’t wait to hold her in my arms and make her mine

The dream ended abruptly and Abbey woke up in a cold sweat.
She lay in the dark, panting, wishing she could turn on the light. She
couldn’t see much—vision for her was like looking through a frosted pane
of glass that warped and distorted everything. But the presence of light still
comforted her and drove away bad dreams.

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