Chase by Kate Oliver EPUB & PDF

Chase (DADDIES OF THE SHADOWS #11) by Kate Oliver EPUB & PDF

Chase (DADDIES OF THE SHADOWS #11) by Kate Oliver EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Kate Oliver
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.9 MB
  • Price: Free

“Please? Please, please, please? It’s my birthday, and you haven’t come
to any of the family dinners I’ve invited you to, but you have to come
since it’s my birthday.”
Chase sat back in his plush leather executive chair and barely resisted
the urge to roll his eyes at his assistant. She was more than an assistant,
really. She was one of the few people he considered a friend, and he had
turned down her previous invites to the family dinners.

What kind of
monster would he be if he turned her down yet again, especially on her
birthday? He might be a ruthless attorney, but he did have a soft spot for
Ava. Well, truthfully, he had a soft spot for any Little who batted their
eyelashes at him. And Ava was batting those lashes so hard he was afraid
she was going to lift off the ground for take-off soon.

“Fine. I’ll go. What do you want for your birthday?”
Ava grinned. “A unicorn.”
This time he couldn’t resist the urge to shake his head and roll his eyes.
This woman was the best assistant he’d ever had but she was also a handful.
He’d known she was a Little when he’d hired her since she belonged to one
of his best, longtime friends, but what he hadn’t known was how much she
would keep him on his toes.

“Do you remember the last time you tried to get a unicorn?”
Even though he hadn’t been there, he’d heard all the stories about the
trip she and the rest of the family had made to Rawhide Ranch for the
Fourth of July. From everything she’d told him, it had been a total fiasco.
Glitter and butt plugs and pure freaking chaos.
“I got a plug in my butt,” she replied sheepishly, her cheeks turning
bright pink.

“And I’m pretty sure you also had a red butt. So let’s leave the unicorns
where they belong and why don’t you give me a better idea for a gift?”
All she did was shrug and skip out of his office. “Dinner is at six at our
house! See you Sunday!”

After he heard Ava leave through the back door of the legal office where
he spent at least sixty hours a week, Chase sat back and sighed. It wasn’t
that he didn’t want to go to family dinners. He loved the Javier family. All
of them would give the shirts off their backs to help someone and their
Littles were just as adorable as could be.

Even though Chase hadn’t been adopted into the family like most of the
men, he’d still practically lived at the Javier home for his teenage years. But
while most of those men had grown up in shitty circumstances, Chase had
been privileged. Even though he came from a totally different world, they
had never treated him differently and he loved them for that. After all, just
because you had money, it didn’t always mean you were living happily.
Leo was their dad, and he had been more of a father to Chase than his
own father.

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