Charming the Dragon by Jessie Donovan EPUB & PDF

Charming the Dragon (STONEFIRE BRITISH DRAGONS #16) by Jessie Donovan EPUB & PDF

Charming the Dragon (STONEFIRE BRITISH DRAGONS #16) by Jessie Donovan EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Jessie Donovan
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Hayley Beckett was nearly to Clan Stonefire in the Lake District when
she pulled her car over, turned it off, and did what she always did
before an important meeting: gave herself a pep talk.

Sitting taller in her seat, she said, “Right, you can do this. You have a
skill they want, something they need. Sure, dragon’s blood is a high price to
pay for it. But Carly needs it. Needs you. So this is going to happen, no
matter what.”

Just thinking of the last time she’d seen her younger sister, lying in a
hospital bed hooked up to various machines, made tears prick her eyes.
After their parents died, it’d only been the two of them against the world for
so long. And even after Carly married and had children, they’d still been
each other’s best friend.
And now? If Hayley’s plan failed, her sister’s kidneys would finally
stop working, and she’d die.
No. She’d get some dragon’s blood and heal Carly, end of story.

The usual route of obtaining it, by applying to be a dragon’s sacrifice,
wouldn’t work. Not only because it’d take too long, but also because
Hayley was thirty-six years old and a workaholic, both points against her.
However, she’d worked closely with Clan Stonefire for some recent
custody cases, had proven herself to them, and would use that connection.

They would agree to her offer, they just had to.
After taking a deep breath, she nodded to herself and turned on the car
again. Soon she was back on the road and doing her best not to tug at her
hair or readjust her glasses for the hundredth time. Being perfectly turned
out wasn’t Hayley’s strong point. However, she didn’t want to show up
looking like a complete mess for her meeting with the dragon clan leader.
She finally reached the metal gates that had the word “Stonefire”
intertwined in the metal and stopped next to a speaker. A male’s voice said,
“And you are?”

“Hayley Beckett. I have an appointment with Bram Moore-Llewellyn.”
After about ten seconds, the same voice came over the speaker. “Pull
through and take the first left. Park in front of the large building and come

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