Change of Plans by Dylan Newton EPUB & PDF

Change of Plans by Dylan Newton EPUB & PDF

Change of Plans by Dylan Newton EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Dylan Newton
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Small Town & Rural Fiction 
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Bryce Weatherford examined the pull-ups section of the grocery aisle,
baffled by how much information you needed to buy a kid diapers.
She glanced over at her twelve-year-old niece. “June, how much does
Addie weigh? She’s not fifty pounds yet, is she?”
June snorted, her face buried in her phone. “How would I know? That’s
a question for a responsible parent. Why don’t you go find one?”
Bryce gritted her teeth and beckoned Addison closer. Her five-year-old
niece was flitting from black square to beige square on the grocery store
floor, the yellow, glittery wings vibrating on the harness around her back as
she jumped, singing something under her breath.

“C’mere, Addie-bell. Let me pick you up.”
Trying to remember what it felt like to haul in those fifty-pound bags of
rice at Chez Pierre—a lifetime ago when she’d been their sauté chef and
completely in control of her kitchen and her life—Bryce hefted her
youngest niece, who shrieked and giggled.

“I’m flyin’, Aunt Beamer! See me?”
Bryce grunted, holding the little girl up by the armpits. Her gold-glitterglued sneakers dangled a foot from the floor.
“Oof. You’re flying, all right. All thirty-five pounds of you. Maybe forty,
but you get medium-sized pull-ups.” Bryce set her down. “Don’t run,
Addie-bell, and stay in this aisle where I can see you.”
Addison grinned at her, her blond hair and pixie-like face all sweet
innocence. “Only, fairies like to run, an’ I’m the fastest fairy runner in all
the worllllldddd!”

And like a hummingbird, she was off, dashing from one side of the aisle
to the other, snatching at low-hanging packages of baby toys, squeezing
three of them to see if they squeaked, then trying and failing to re-hook
them onto the strip where they’d dangled, tantalizingly, just for grabby
hands like hers. With a backward grin at her aunt, she tossed the baby toys
atop a shelf of formula and twirled away before Bryce could decide whether
this was what the counselor would label “a scolding event.” Probably not.
Nothing was broken. Addie got so much joy from playing fairy, and
Lord knew these girls had experienced little of that lately. Bryce figured any
responsible mother figure wouldn’t get uptight about Addison ruining a
baby toy display.

Selecting the proper pull-ups, Bryce winced at the price. Addison had
been wetting the bed at night for the past six months. Initially it had worried
Bryce, yet the court-required therapist assured her that regression was
common in grieving children. While she’d rather be spending this same
amount on a really good Roquefort, the pull-ups—and not being woken at 2
a.m. to change the sheets—beat the cheese.

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