Chains (DEVIL’S CARNAGE MC #3) by Jewel Craven EPUB & PDF

Chains (DEVIL’S CARNAGE MC #3) by Jewel Craven EPUB & PDF

Chains (DEVIL’S CARNAGE MC #3) by Jewel Craven EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Jewel Craven
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Zoe–18 years old
I was humming along to the tune on the radio as we headed home after
another of our monthly dinners together; when Dad’s phone buzzed, and he
answered through the Bluetooth in the car. Turning my head to stare at the
darkness outside, tuning out his conversation with whoever it was on the
other end until they mentioned clean up.

My head jerked in my dad’s direction, noticing the tightness in his jaw.
“Send me the address and I’ll be there as soon as I can,” he tells the caller
before promptly hanging up.

I sensed the conflict in his gaze as it met mine. His brain was working a
mile a minute, trying to figure out what to do about me.
We were at least ten minutes away from the home I shared with my mom.
Dad had moved out when they split up when I was ten, leaving mom the

They’d split up because of his job. He worked with the police and coroner
cleaning up crime scenes, but he would also take jobs on the DL for Kon
Sokolov, who was based in Dallas, a few hours away, and the Devil’s
Carnage MC who’s home-base was here in Briar Creek, both the more
profitable proposition.

He didn’t know that I knew he worked for them, but my mother wasn’t
happy about it, and that’s the reason they didn’t work out, she gave him an
ultimatum to stop taking jobs for the underworld; he refused because it paid
good money, so she up and left, taking me with her. Though I suspect a part
of it was that my mom was a raging bitch. I lived with the woman 24/7. I
should know.

The fact he did that kind of job at all didn’t bother me. In fact, I found it
fascinating and something I wanted to do after graduating from school. All
my friends thought I was crazy, but I didn’t care. I was going to follow in
my father’s footsteps.

His phone dinged, showing the message was from whoever he spoke to
earlier, causing his brow to furrow in a deep frown when he saw the

“It’s only five minutes from here,” he spoke to himself. Even though it
was early evening, it got dark earlier since it was late Fall.
Briar Creek was small, yet it had clearly defined affluent suburbs and less
prosperous areas. My father must’ve resolved the battle within himself
because instead of taking me home, we drove to the address the caller gave
him, arrived in less than a few minutes, parked the car, and then he got out.

The house had peeling paint on the dirty gray siding. Weeds grew in place
of the flowers that used to be in the beds against the wall of the house, and
there was no front lawn to speak of. Telling me this was the more unsavory
part of town.

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