Catching Sparks by Hannah Cowan EPUB & PDF

Catching Sparks by Hannah Cowan EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Hannah Cowan
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.2 MB
  • Price: Free

I would rather pluck my eyes out with rusted nails than listen to
Blake Sterling drone on and on about next quarter’s budget for a single
moment more. The only budget I care about is the one that ensures my bank
account continues to grow nice and fat.
Blake has a way of speaking down his nose at the rest of us, a false king
on a stolen throne. I’m self-aware enough to recognize my own habit of
doing the same, but I’m no false king, and my throne was crafted just for

Unfortunately, my own feelings on the matter have mattered fuck all.
While Blake may be nearly as big of a prick as me, he has expertise in
finance that is invaluable to my company—the record label that has become
my only love. His arrogant ass knows exactly that, and he makes sure I
won’t forget it as often as possible.

The boardroom is freezing, the air conditioning puffing heavily
regardless of the early spring chill outside. I’ve always grown too hot in
these meetings, the weight of multiple beady eyes on me cranking the dial
on my internal temperature until I’m fighting a sweat. Nobody in this room
will ever know that little tidbit, however. Not ever.

Being CEO of the second biggest record label in North America doesn’t
allow me to show weakness. Not to my competitors and certainly not my
allies. Every person in this room bows at my every command, and it will
stay that way. Have mercy on the person of power who allows his
employees to consider him a friend. The lack of respect makes me sick.
I avoid looking at my father, irritation burning beneath my skin.

“I think it would be far more beneficial to start making the change
sooner than later. Physical sales are down. That’s a fact. It’s time to start
flowing more money into the electronic platforms,” Blake announces, hands
clasped on the expensive glass meeting table.

I stay silent, watching the distaste grow in the eyes of far too many
board members. Swift Edge Records has outgrown the majority of these
men. They’re old, friends of my father’s long before this label came to be,
back when he was in the position of our most successful artists.
Yes, their input was appreciated during the early years, but we’re now
seven in. The infant company they helped nurture is a successful adult now,
ready to shed the helicopter parents.

Arthur Caldwell is a stubborn prick, so it’s not surprising when he
chimes in despite the sharp look from the man on his right, my father,
Reggie Beckett. “There isn’t enough evidence to make that conclusion yet.
Who’s to say this isn’t another so-called fad? Those seem to be quite
popular among your generation.”

“A fad is, majority of the time, short and sweet. This, Arthur, is not short
nor sweet,” Blake returns dully.

My phone buzzes on the table. I drop my gaze to the screen and bring it
back up again as I silence the call. The lack of discussion around the table
as I do so pisses me off. Arching one brow, I ask no one in particular, “Is it
settled, then, or have you finished gawking?”

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