Catch Me If You Can by Jordan Silver EPUB & PDF

Catch Me If You Can (THE MANCINI WAY #1) by Jordan Silver EPUB & PDF

Catch Me If You Can (THE MANCINI WAY #1) by Jordan Silver EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Jordan Silver
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I felt the burn in my muscles as I lifted the two hundred and fifty
pound weights for my last rep; this is just what I needed to take my mind
off of the fuckery I have to deal with later. I’ve found over the years that if I
push my body hard enough my mind goes into what I call phase. I can put
everything else aside and concentrate on the task at hand. It’s just one of the
ways I’ve taught myself to have total control.

There’s no one else around to
distract me at this early hour as I’m in my personal state of the art gym on
the thirty-third floor of my high-rise building. Though the room is covered
wall to wall with mirrors I do not watch myself. That is not what this is
about this is about control.

In a few hours I’ll be sitting down across from
what’s believed to be one of the world’s foremost criminals, a little less
known fact by any who aren’t part of the law enforcement communities of
the world. He’s wanted by almost every leading government agency for
questioning but still he walks free, then again so am I. The thought brought
a sinister grin to my face, I loved pitting my brain and skills against the best
they had to offer, I haven’t met one who could best me thus far which was a
bane for them I’m sure and just more fodder for my kicks and laughs folder.

Sweat formed on my brow and across my shoulders as I pushed my
body just that much harder; next up stretches and I’m good for the day. An
hour of hard exercise always sets me up for the rest of the day, invigorating.

My phone rang causing me to ease down the heaviness from my
hands; I found the first smile of the day as I saw the name on the readout. I
flexed my arms and shook it out prepared to cut my session short for one of
the only people in the world I thought worthy of my time.

“Don’t you mama me Hank Mancini, where have you been? I don’t
see you three whole days, no phone call no nothing, maybe you’re dead, I
don’t know, how would I know? Nobody tells me anything, why you treat
your mother this way Hank, didn’t I take care of you as a boy?”

I rolled my eyes as she went on with her usual guilt trip not uttering
a word until she wound down, it was always the same with mama, she’s all
of five feet but you’d swear with her gumption that she was six feet tall.
She’s the only human being on the face of the earth that had the power to
bring me to heel as she puts it.

“First of all you’re lying mama I spoke to you yesterday morning, I
told you I had a very busy schedule and you said dad was taking you out to

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