Cash by Mary Warren EPUB & PDF

Cash (GLENDALE MAGIC #2) by Mary Warren EPUB & PDF

Cash (GLENDALE MAGIC #2) by Mary Warren EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Mary Warren
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Evie smoothed out her gown as she got out of her car and handed the
keys to the valet. While she wasn’t necessarily a hockey fan, she was
arriving at the gala for the Glendale’s NHL team, the Magic. She was there
as a representative for the skating center where she taught figure skating.
The Magic had always been a supporter of their local hockey program, so
she came for the kids who needed the assistance.

Plus, she didn’t often get an excuse to get this done up, and she would
enjoy it. The only thing that was making her second guess this evening was
that she was dateless. But she was here for the kids, she reminded herself.
Plus, her new friend, Sasha, had invited her.

As she walked into the ballroom, she took a moment to take in her
surroundings. They had leaned into the magical theme hard. It was beautiful
and whimsical, with flowing purple silk and splashes of gold everywhere. A
magician wandered around doing small tricks, and it even looked like they
had a fortune teller who was giving tarot card readings in the corner. And
while hockey might not be her thing, she had to admit that the players were
nice to look at walking around in their tuxes.

She turned to find Sasha Maloof, the new social media manager for the
Magic. Sasha had attended open skate a few months ago at the rink, trying
to learn how to skate. Evie had shown her some of the basics and they made
fast friends. Sasha was the only reason Evie wasn’t dreading tonight, they
were both here date free and ready for a good time.

“Sasha!” she said as she approached. “This place looks amazing!”
Sasha turned with a smile stretched across her face and pulled her into a

“It does! I’d love to take credit, but I came to the team after most of this
was planned. I just helped to turn the auction into something the players bid
on and offer their services too. I’m sure the center will get a couple players.
I know Wes Darling is looking at it.”

“Really? He would be great.”
The center had put in a week-long camp in the summer for two players
to lead with the center’s youth hockey team. All the proceeds for that and
the donations from tonight would be going to the scholarship fund.
“Is the whole team here?” Evie asked.

“I think so, I haven’t checked to make sure that they’re all here yet, but
they will be since they’re a major part of the auction.”
“I noticed you talking to Conner McPhee,” said Evie, giving Sasha a
knowing look. “He’s looking awfully handsome tonight.”

The look Sasha was giving her told her everything she needed to know.
“Let’s go get a drink,” Sasha said, taking her by the hand.
Arm in arm they walked over to the bar and got a drink. “You should
totally go get your fortune told before the night is over,” Sasha told her.
“The fortune teller is this amazing old Scottish woman. She’s really

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