Carved From Obsidian by Addie Grey EPUB & PDF

Carved From Obsidian by Addie Grey EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Addie Grey
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Even for five in the afternoon on a Tuesday, the music was loud. The
rhythmic thumping of the bass blended seamlessly with the constant
chatter of the people who filled the bar.

This wasn’t a usual Tuesday. This was more of a Friday-after-work vibe,
and indeed most of the people here wore their corporate clothes. Suits in
blacks, greys and blues, now unbuttoned at the waist. White blouses, ruffled
and untucked after a day of work. Black dresses and skirts, inching up thighs
as the wearers moved onto their third or fourth beer. Shiny, pointed shoes
clicking across the tiled floor from table to bar and back again. Tuesday or
Friday, it didn’t matter. The offer of half price drinks and free music was
enough to draw a crowd in any City Central bar.

Soph sipped her wine, half listening to the conversation at her own table.
Her boss, Bradley, sat to her right. His boss sat on his other side and the two of
them had their heads close, arguing over something work related, no doubt,
even though they’d agreed as a group not to discuss work this afternoon.
Across the table, Rosie, their team intern, had gathered several of the designers
around her and was orchestrating an elaborate video that would inevitably end
up on social media.

Feet swinging idly beneath her, Soph’s attention snagged on a pair in a
corner booth. She’d been watching them on and off for a while. A man and a
woman meeting for the first time. She’d been in the booth first with a few
colleagues and he in the next one over with his own group. Soph had seen the
first interaction – him leaning over the top of the booth to ask a question.
She’d laughed.

Now, an hour later, both their colleagues had left, and he’d bought her a
drink. They sat close, his arm stretched across the back of the booth, her hand
idly touching his chest when they laughed together. Soph wondered if they’d
hook up and go home together tonight. Would it be a one night thing? A regret
when they woke up sober and had to head to work tomorrow? Or would that
laughter last beyond the beers? Would they meet again next week and the week
after until they were staying over at each other’s places on weekends, until they
took a trip down south to meet her family, until they came back to this bar one
anniversary and he proposed, until –

She startled from her daydreaming and glanced across the table at Rosie,
who was tapping her watch.

“Didn’t you say you had to leave at five for a family dinner?”
Soph clicked the button on her phone, illuminating the screen. FiveFifteen.
“Ah shit.” She threw herself off the stool, grabbing her handbag from
beneath the table and flying for the door. “See you tomorrow!” She called over
her shoulder.

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