Cage of Dreams by Rebecca Schaeffer EPUB & PDF

Cage of Dreams by Rebecca Schaeffer EPUB & PDF

Cage of Dreams by Rebecca Schaeffer EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Rebecca Schaeffer
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary Fantasy Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

My worst fear used to be that I would fall asleep and wake as a Nightmare,
my body and mind twisted into something monstrous and unrecognizable,
and I’d slaughter everyone I cared about.
Now, sometimes I dream of becoming a monster—at least then I
wouldn’t be so afraid of everything.

I crouch behind the bar of the speakeasy I’ve been working at for the
past month as gunfire roars above me. There’s a gang war going on because
someone looked sideways at someone else, or made a remark about the
upcoming mayoral election or some other equally inane nonsense. The
patrons of the speakeasy are always getting into fights over something, and
then they start shooting.

The bar, of course, is bulletproof, which is why I’m crouched behind it
like the coward that I am. My only company are the bottles of various
alcohols, which are also stored in the bulletproof bar—because servers can
be replaced if they’re shot, but the alcohol brings in the money. Heaven
forbid something happened to it.
The waistcoat of my heavily starched uniform digs into my side as I curl
into a ball, painfully aware of how incredibly fragile my body is, how easily
a bullet could rip through me, shredding my internal organs into a bloody

But it’s okay. Behind this bar, I’m safe.
Usually, I bring a penny novel to work with me for times like this.
These shoot-outs can go on for a while. But I finished the last penny novel I
was reading, and I haven’t brought in a new one yet.
Which means my only distraction is my own thoughts.
I can’t think of worse company.

The Friends of the Restful Soul always taught me that peace comes
from within, that deep breaths and slow meditation can bring calm in even
the most stressful of situations.
But the Friends of the Restful Soul also turned out to be a cult that lured
people in by promising to help them and instead kidnapped them. So, I take
all their advice with a grain of salt these days.

I try and think of the whole Friends situation in a positive light
sometimes. Sure, they planned on kidnapping me too, but I escaped before
they did—and I got several years of free food and rent from them before I
got out. So really, who was getting conned here?
Me. It was still me.

Though I’d never admit it to anyone, there’s a part of me that
desperately wants to go back to the Friends. A part that dreams about my
tiny little room there, its rough brick walls. A part that longs for the sense of
peace and security as I lay on my bed, eyes closed, knowing nothing in the
world could get to me, that for the time I was locked away from the world, I
was safe.

I know it was all a lie. I was never really safe. It was just an illusion. I
know that. I do.

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