Brutal Souls by Quell T. Fox EPUB & PDF

Brutal Souls (DARK HEARTS) by Quell T. Fox EPUB & PDF

Brutal Souls (DARK HEARTS) by Quell T. Fox EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Quell T. Fox
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.7 MB
  • Price: Free

My head lolls to the side, causing a sharp pain to shoot up my neck. It
settles into the base of my skull, an aching thrum. I flinch, clench my jaw
and force my eyes open. Everything is a mix of grey and blue blurs and
blobs. I blink a few times to clear my vision and after a moment, things
come into focus.

A generic wooden writing desk with no chair directly in front of me. Two
curtain-covered windows behind it. Scuffed up hardwood floor. Simple
floral wallpapered walls.

I don’t recognize the room, but I recognize the feeling of poly rope—
AKA bondage rope—binding my wrists behind my back and my body to
the wooden chair I’m in. It’s wrapped around my thighs, calves, and chest
with such precision it’s almost art. My ass is numb, telling me I’ve been
sitting here a while.

How I got here? Couldn’t tell you.
Who did this to me? Don’t know that either.
Yet, with both of those questions left unanswered, I feel not a single bit of
panic. Thinking clearly will get me out of this alive. If I allow my fear to
take over, it’s a death sentence. It’s likely whoever did this needs
something. If they wanted to kill me, they’d have killed me already. If they
wanted to beat information out of me, I’d already be bleeding. Other than a
stiff neck and my muscles aching from being in this awful position, I’m
fine. Slight headache, but that could be from whatever drug they gave me to
get me here. I sure as fuck didn’t come willingly.

Whoever it was probably needed a crane to do so. I’m six foot three and
lingering around 250 pounds. Definitely not an easy load for an average
guy. Unless it was multiple people. My employer’s enemies, maybe? But
then why am I alive? And why would they come after me? I’m no one in the
grand scheme of things. Not worth any money. Hardly important. I don’t
have any family secrets—I’m not even part of the family, just work for
them. I do a little bit of this and a little bit of that.

“You think too fucking loudly.”
The voice is deep, husky, and with a slight accent I recognize

Nothing about it is familiar though.
Since when do the Bellancas—the Italian family I work for—have issues
with the Russians? Far as I know, they don’t. They’ve got issues with other
Italians and the shitty Irish, which is only seeming to get worse. So this is
something different. Or new.

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