Brutal Mate by Mia Wolf EPUB & PDF


Brutal Mate (NIGHTSTAR BLACK OPS WOLVES #3) by Mia Wolf EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Mia Wolf
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 6.3 MB
  • Price: Free

Kane wasn’t sure why he stood outside Jack’s office, listening—
eavesdropping, even—but his feet didn’t seem able to move. He had been
on his way out to stretch his legs, but the scent of human in the manor
intrigued him. It wasn’t often the humans of Nightstar dared set foot inside
the manor.

Of course, they had no idea that their town was being run by
werewolves—nor did they have any idea what had happened to their last
‘mayor’, the previous alpha of the pack—but save for a few bumps in the
road, things had transitioned fairly smoothly. Most of the humans seemed to
have a good sense for staying within their lane.
But it seemed not all did, since he heard the sound of raised voices
within the office. “Mr. Ryker promised he would see my debts dissolved if I
gave him my daughter.”

Bile rose in the back of Kane’s throat.
“Gave him your daughter for what?” Jack’s voice was low and calm,
but there was an edge of warning, one that the other man might not be able
to pick up. Kane was certain he hadn’t. Humans, especially human men,
weren’t the sharpest tools in the shed.

Kane cringed. Once he had been one of them, though he tried hard
not to think about that. It had been an entirely different life, one he did not
wish to go back to, and one that he would never admit to his pack. To them,
he was just another born and bred werewolf. They need not know any

But having humans in the manor brought back things Kane would
rather forget, and he tried to make his way past the door, unsure what was
stopping him.
“For marriage, of course!” the human bellowed. “What else for?”
Kane’s jaw clenched.

“Mr. Peters, let me make one thing very clear to you,” Jack’s tone
was deeper now, more aggressive. “Any debt you had to the previous mayor
of Nightstar is already dissolved, and any deal you had with him, also.”
Silence fell over the room, and Kane hoped that would be the end of
it. But then he heard a feminine voice whisper, “Go on, Michael, you got us
into this.”

Likely the woman hadn’t meant for anyone to hear but this Michael,
but what she wasn’t aware of was the fact any werewolf in the house that
cared to listen could probably hear what she had just whispered.
“Did you have something more you wished to discuss, Mr. Peters?”
Jack asked, and Kane could picture him sitting high and mighty at his
brand-new oak desk with his hands clasped before him and an unreadable
expression on his face.

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