Broken Wheels (CROSSBOW PROTECTION #2) by K.C. Wells EPUB & PDF

Broken Wheels (CROSSBOW PROTECTION #2) by K.C. Wells EPUB & PDF

Broken Wheels (CROSSBOW PROTECTION #2) by K.C. Wells EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: K.C. Wells
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.9 MB
  • Price: Free

MARCH, 2024
Who in their right mind would want to live in a place like this? The
March weather in Milwaukee was terrible, especially with eddies of snow
swirling around the overgrown lot, and then the snow vanished as if it had
never been there.
Lord, it’s cold. Bitterly cold. He should have worn the leather jacket
instead of the nylon one he’d grabbed when they called to tell him his
quarry had gone to ground.

He’d left his home in Chicago and rushed to Midway to catch a Learjet
to Milwaukee’s Mitchell International Airport. Now that he was here, he
wished they’d sent someone else. Sure, the weather in Chicago was pretty
similar to Milwaukee, but at least there he could sit in front of the fireplace
and sip the Yamazaki 55 scotch he’d gotten as a bonus for his last mission.
But no, he had to answer the phone, and now he was freezing his private
parts off.

He hunkered down, doing his best to stay out of the biting wind. His
target was still there, so that was good. He didn’t like the idea of having to
chase him all over hell and back. He smirked. Hell seemed appropriate, all
things considered. Starting with the garish edifice his quarry had chosen as
his stronghold.

The dilapidated building with gang tags that covered the walls should
have been condemned years ago. Broken windows and mortar missing from
half the bricks had left the place open to both inclement weather and
temperature extremes. But for anyone who cared to look closely, there were
signs the place hadn’t been abandoned completely. Someone had cleared
the brush away from the doors, leaving the entrance easily accessible.
Lights were visible all day and night. And if one were patient enough, a
lone, furtive figure could be seen inside.

They’d been keeping close tabs on Cliff Tanner. Well, on all the
basement-dwellers, if truth be told, ever since the project was shut down
eight years ago. Most of the men involved had gone on to other gigs, but a
few of them had still felt the need to dig around in places they had no
business being.

Not that they were digging anymore. He’d seen to that.
Tanner was the last of them. He’d hacked into a server—no mean feat,
considering the layers of security—through a backdoor he’d implanted
before he left, and from what they could tell, he’d been making use of it to
steal documents, including a particular one he definitely wasn’t meant to

No one was.
Damn. That is such a pity.
He’d worked with Tanner in the past, and always found the man affable
enough. His jokes were bad, but said with enough mirth to make everyone

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