Bright Lights and Summer Nights by Kat Singleton EPUB & PDF

Bright Lights and Summer Nights (BLACK TIE BILLIONAIRES #3) by Kat Singleton EPUB & PDF

Bright Lights and Summer Nights (BLACK TIE BILLIONAIRES #3) by Kat Singleton EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Kat Singleton
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4 MB
  • Price: Free

“I would say I’m shocked, but I’m actually not surprised at all,”
my best friend, Winnie, tells me, her eyes narrowed on me from across the
small café table.

My nose scrunches as I try to decide if I’m offended by her comment.
“Listen. I know I don’t have the best history with jobs, but that one was
even more terrible than most. My boss was pushing sixty and kept asking
me to do private work at his house.” I take a long drink of my iced coffee,
remembering the creepy looks he was always giving me. “Private work at
his house can’t be good, Winnie.”

She shrugs, nodding as she realizes I have a point. “I could always see if
we could get you a job at Bishop-Moore.” Her voice is sweet, and I know
she’s just trying to be nice by offering a job at the hotel dynasty she runs
with her husband, Archer Moore, but working another job that I don’t have
a passion for is the last thing I want to do.

With a groan, I sit back in the padded chair of the fancy restaurant she’d
invited me to. “That’s nice of you, Win, but I think I need to figure out what
I want to do with the rest of my life instead of just jumping from one job to
the next.” I sigh, wishing that all of my friends didn’t feel the need to offer
me jobs.

“Maybe you just need to take a break for a moment. You could take a
step back and decide what you want to do—think of it like a gap year. Yours
would just be a little later than most.”

I shake my head. I know she means well because there isn’t a mean
bone in Winnie’s body. She’s probably the sweetest person I’ve ever met,
but her words sting a little because I’m tired of being the only one in my
friend group who has no idea what they’re doing with their life. Winnie
married Archer, and the two of them have created an empire together.

Margo married Beckham Sinclair, the two of them becoming a power
couple themselves with him running a cybersecurity empire and her
becoming one of the most sought-after artists. And then there’s Camden,
who is like a brother to me, but even he keeps offering me jobs at his art
galleries when I should never be trusted with expensive art. Even Camden’s
girlfriend, Pippa, who has become one of my best friends, has tried to
convince me to move to Colorado and work at her bakery with her.

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