Bride By Committee by Day Leclaire EPUB & PDF

Bride By Committee by Day Leclaire EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Day Leclaire
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Tomorrow was the big day.
If a day was just a number in a long succession of numbers that
added up to one whole life, this day would most likely land in the middle of
his. Or perhaps even closer to the beginning than the end. But he didn’t
think of days like that. Like a normal person would.
Because every day until today was just something he’d endured.
Like one long and painful stretch of darkness.
And he had endured it. That horrid prequel to what would become
his existence. His future. His redemption.

His heart.
Rolan of Vegoth stared at the stone floor of the bathing room as
cleansing water washed over his body. It was customary for grooms to be
bathed by the Waters of Esheron the night before their wedding. It was part
of the official ceremony and required an Ancient to be present for

But Rolan wasn’t a typical groom, and he was alone in the bathing
Truthfully, he was surprised they allowed him inside at all.
Surprised he was to be given a bride like the others. He’d expected the
revered waters to burn his skin even. But they felt like any other water.
Except hot enough to make it seem like they could steam the ugliness from

Wishful thinking perhaps, but he’d give anything to approach his
bride at the altar tomorrow as a different man.
Rolan closed his eyes, letting the water run over his face.

It was a strange feeling to equally long for a bride with all his heart
and to wish this was another of the Empress’s cruel jokes. Every day since
the declaration that he was to be married within the next moon, he’d spent
not believing it was true. Waiting for the evil female to pull the strings on
his most secret wish: an end to his bitter loneliness.

Except days would pass and she would continue preparations while
he remained locked away in the dungeon he called home, only bringing him
out to be measured and fitted for his groom’s clothes.
All part of the ruse, he’d thought.

The Empress Tallah was a cruel heart and she worked hard to
convince him of hope before crushing it. She was prone to fostering a
pinpoint of light in the darkness until he believed it was there, right there,
within his reach. Only to close her fist around it before he could ever
experience it.

Then she’d laugh.
It was her very favorite game.
They’d played it since childhood.
And it had no end. He knew.

But now here he was, the night before the wedding, washing in the
waters that were supposed to bring him and his new bride blessings. The
Empress couldn’t cancel the ceremony now without angering the Ancients.
This was truly happening.

Rolan slumped against the rock where water flowed, letting a long
breath push from his lungs.
Somewhere in the village was a female preparing herself to be his
bride. Did she know who she was being given to? Did she already fear him?
Was she begging the Empress for mercy.

He pictured a faceless female crying at the Empress’s feet, pleading
not to be given to The Beast. The Animal. The Savage. The Monster.
All names he had heard more than he’d heard his own.

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