Bred By the Barge by V.T. Bonds EPUB & PDF


Bred By the Barge (THE KNOTTIVERSE: ALPHAS OF THE WATERWORLD #7) by V.T. Bonds EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: V.T. Bonds
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 5 MB
  • Price: Free

I tuck my sister’s hair under her collar and squeeze her hand before
pulling my cap down tighter on my head and weaving deeper into the

We keep our heads lowered as we duck under arms and dart around
the bigger groups. My father’s wiry frame guides us through the busy
market while my mother follows half a dozen steps behind us. As betas,
they blend in better than my sister or I ever could, but there’s no guarantee
they’ll make it to our destination without being targeted by pickpockets or
an alpha on a power trip.

A light drizzle patters our heads and shoulders and small puddles form
on the deck. The scent of wet copper and unwashed bodies drowns out the
pheromones leaking from my disguise. My heart pounds against my
sternum as people throughout the crowd shout and argue.

I glimpse a sliver of horizon between the stalls and note the waves
churning under the stormy sky. Dread sits like a rock in my stomach, but
difficult waters mean we’ll have a better chance at escaping unnoticed.
We can make it.

My sister flinches when a man to our right yells, but I tighten my grip
on her hand and tug her along after me.
Less than three years younger than me, Gem’s cheeks still hold the
roundness of youth, but her haunted eyes hold more trauma than any child
should have to face. I pull her closer, wishing I could take her pain away,
but knowing nothing can heal her wounded heart.

My father stops at a stall and exchanges a few words with the
shopkeeper. I slow my steps and dodge a drunk woman as I wait for the
signal. When the shopkeeper nods, I dart forward, push past my dad, and
tug Gem around the back of the stall.

We jump into the half-empty barrel of fish guts. I pull my sister into my
arms and meet my mother’s eyes. The turmoil in her gaze matches the
stormy sky.

“I love you, my girls,” she whispers before closing the barrel.
The wood vibrates as she hammers the lid into place. Gem tucks her
face into my neck and clutches at my jacket. I open my collar, hoping my
scent reaches her through the stench, and tighten my arms around her.
“It’s okay, Gem. I’m here,” I whisper.

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