Breaking the Code (SINS OF THE FATHER #1) by Sara Hurst EPUB & PDF

Breaking the Code (SINS OF THE FATHER #1) by Sara Hurst EPUB & PDF

Breaking the Code (SINS OF THE FATHER #1) by Sara Hurst EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Sara Hurst
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Ten years ago – Age 25
“Simon! I’m home,” I call as I enter my mother’s ancestral home.
The vast, thick wood doors slam shut behind me. When I lived here
with my family, a butler always met us at the door. I swore the old man
waited and watched out the window for us to arrive because we never once
opened the doors ourselves.

Stopping at the hall table just outside the library—a room I’ll always
consider my grandfather’s; his memory infuses every surface—I pick up the
post. Among the rest o’ the envelopes, I find a thick, nondescript letter. I
toss all o’ it but the one that captured my attention back into the bowl.
Simon says that is the place for such things. I lived in this house for most o’
my life, and nae once realized there was a place for the mail, but I dinnae
argue with Simon. My dad told me once a happy wife meant a happy life,
and while Simon isnae my wife, I figure it still holds true.

I head into the library, tossing my coat on an armchair. Simon’ll yell at
me for sure, but I cannae let him wear the pants all the time. Sitting behind
my desk, I flip the parcel over several times, testing its weight. There’s nae
anything on it, but it’s heavy.

Shrugging my shoulders, I open it.
Tucked inside the outer envelope, I find another addressed to my father
from his father, who we were to spend Christmas with the year my life went
to hell.

Swallowing back the trepidation I feel at the thought o’ what I’ll find
inside, I open it carefully.
Life as I know it ceases to exist.
As I pour over the contents o’ the package, the trepidation I felt before
opening it swells into a sea o’ emotion that chokes me. My stomach is in
knots, and the paper in my hands rattles from the shaking I cannae control.
I’ve been told for years my parents and sister died in a car crash. Yet the
missive I’m holding leads me to believe something verra different.

Dear Son,
I have come across information that is highly
disturbing. Included with this letter are documents and
photographs regarding several missing young men and
women and the people responsible. Some of these children
are as young as twelve or thirteen. They are from
countries around the world and are underprivileged and
sometimes are homeless or orphaned.

I have found that they are being bought and sold to
the highest bidder. I shudder to think what these
children are going through. My heart hopes they are
going to decent families who only wish to provide them
with a home, but I am not that naïve, and my gut refuses
to let my heart deny the truth.

I will take this information to the authorities as soon
as I post this letter to you, but I don
’t know who to

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