Boundaries by M J Tennant EPUB & PDF

Boundaries (LOVE IN NORFOLK #1) by M J Tennant EPUB & PDF

Boundaries (LOVE IN NORFOLK #1) by M J Tennant EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: M J Tennant
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The Present

“What the fuck do you want?”
There was no doubt about it. Even though we were now adults, Mason
McKenna was still a giant dick.

I exhaled moodily. The realisation that my good day was about to nose
dive was like ordering a Big Mac, but being served with a shit sandwich.
What the heck was Mason doing there? Mattie had told me that Mason
had gone to the Royal Norfolk Show with his parents. Something he did,
every year. So why the fuck was I now looking at that smug, too-handsomefor-his-own-good face? My palms itched. How I’d love to break that perfect

nose. Knock something off-kilter. Give the other blokes a fighting chance.
Mason McKenna was annoying. There was no doubt about that, but whilst
his personality was lacking, his sex appeal was not.

It was just my luck that this McKenna wasn’t where he should have been.
I quickly scanned the area. At least Mason was alone, and none of his
friends or brothers were there to back him up. I couldn’t deal with them all
in one serving, it was just too much.

After hearing some troubling news about my younger sister and this boy’s
brother, I was there to see Boyd McKenna alone. I would probably have to
abort my mission now, as getting past Mason wouldn’t be easy. It’s not like
I could just breeze past the guy.

My eyes zoomed in on the tower of confidence before me, but I was
unimpressed. Mason walked the earth as if he owned it. And most people
believed that shit he peddled, but not I, to me the boy was a social deviant
with a chip on his shoulder the size of a mountain. Yes, he was as fit as
fuck, but his obnoxiousness made me see past what was on the outside. This
guy was mean to the bone. His dad used to treat him like shit so go figure.
Despite the beatings he’d received, Mason still had a God Complex.

It didn’t help that his younger brothers also stroked his ego. They also
believed he was some type of Messiah. Both Boyd and Seth idolised the
man. They dressed like him, styled their hair that same stupid way, and
attempted to copy all his mannerisms, which they radically failed to do. No
one could mimic Mason McKenna. He was unreproducible. The friends that
completed his posse were also wannabees and swarmed around him like
flies to shit. Whenever they were out in the village, they shadowed him like
they were part of his security detail. Fucking losers.

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