Bound To You by Charlotte McGinlay EPUB & PDF

Bound To You (BOUND MAFIA #1) by Charlotte McGinlay EPUB & PDF

Bound To You (BOUND MAFIA #1) by Charlotte McGinlay EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Charlotte McGinlay
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Damian – Age 12
As I stand in my cubicle at the shooting range on our estate, practicing
with the rounds I’ve been using since I turned six, I hear my name shouted. I
put the safety on my 9mm Glock and turned to see my father, Dimitri
Volkov, standing next to Stefano Russo.

Stefano stands in a dark navy suit that hangs a little off his frame.
Standing at 5’11”, his light brown hair is slicked back, and his dark blue
eyes assess me, while my father, also at 5’11”, stands next to him in a fitted
black suit, his dark hair messed up on the top like he’d been shifting his
hands through it. His hazel eyes gaze at me hard. My brother Alexandr and
I take after our father in looks—same dark hair, chiseled jawline, and height
—while our bright blue eyes, take after our mother. I take a step toward
them and hold my hand out to Stefano.

“Mr. Russo, it’s a pleasure to see you again,” I say in my most polite
voice, which is difficult, considering I don’t like the cunt much. And his
wife is worse. Our families have always had a love-hate relationship, but
that is expected as we’re the Bratva and he’s the Italian Mafia. He shakes
my hand and nods. Jackass.

I look at my father, and ask, “Is everything alright, Father? You don’t
normally interrupt my practice unless it’s urgent.”
My father looks me in the eyes, starring me down, probably hating how
blunt I was in front of a frenemy, but I honestly don’t give a shit; he taught
me to be this way, and it’s obvious he’s decided on something, something
big enough to come down to the shooting range personally.

“Unfortunately, this is something that cannot wait, son. Come meet us in
my office at the house with your brother.” He turns to leave with Stefano
while I stand there, staring at their retreating backs. Great.

After I clean up my armory, I spend about ten minutes searching for my
brother. I find him in his room, playing on the Xbox. His curtains are
closed, and he is sprawled out on his king-sized bed, screaming into his
mic. With a smirk, I pick up the basketball next to his door and throw it,
hitting him on the side of the head.

He looks up with a scowl on his face,
and I chuckle. Before he can bite my head off or slit my throat with how
pissed he is at me for interrupting his game, I tell him about the sudden
meeting. He looks at me with his eyebrows raised, his mouth opening
slightly in shock.

Yeah, that’s how I felt, brother.
He tells the people he’s playing with that he’s AFK, and logs out of the

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