Border Lord’s Bride by Gerri Russell EPUB & PDF

Border Lord’s Bride by Gerri Russell EPUB & PDF

Border Lord’s Bride (BROTHERHOOD OF THE SCOTTISH TEMPLARS #4) by Gerri Russell EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Gerri Russell
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Historical Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The Borderlands, Scotland, 1332
A bitter chill having little to do with the winter weather ripped through
Lucius Carr’s soul. He reined his horse to a stop atop the hill just above his
home. The manor house of the earls of Carrick sat at the bottom of the hill,
flanked at each side by a tangle of rosebushes long since gone to their
winter slumber. Yet in the summer their splendor would once again erupt
into the joyous jumble his mother had so loved. Her home. Her flowers. Her
children. She had nurtured them all.
‘Twas probably a blessing then that she no longer lived to see what had
become of her beloved family. Her sons had suffered terribly, and her girls
might yet, if Lucius didn’t keep heading toward the manor and accept the

Except that he didn’t deserve the earldom, or any joy that might come
from it all. His brother Marcus’s words on the day he’d left Midwick Manor
came back to him the way they always did in the darkness of the night.
You’re running away from your family, your responsibility, and yourself,
Lucius. You need to stay and fight for what it is you want in this life. If you
don’t, then you don’t deserve anything good to come your way.

He had run that day, away from Marcus, away from his responsibility, as
far and as fast as he could toward a dark and dangerous road with the
Scottish Templars. But he hadn’t traveled alone. His younger brother Peter
had insisted on joining him. A familiar twist of guilt centered in Lucius’s
gut. Peter had followed him and had been burned at the stake by a madman
as a result. All the Carr men had died, leaving only him.
A stinging regret mixed with a deep sense of grief, for all he’d run away
from. His father had died weeks after his own departure. Marcus was dead
these last two months, after a border raid by the English. And that wasn’t all
he’d lost.

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