Bonded By Intrigue (THE FAE KING DUOLOGY #2) by TM Goodkey EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: TM Goodkey
- Language: English
- Genre: fantasy romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 6.1 MB
- Price: Free
“Don’t step on that!”
I started out thinking this day would be a lovely little walk through
the woods, but it has turned into me tripping over a giant rock, nearly
touching a snake, and now falling face-first into a puddle.
I scream, throwing my hands out to stop my entire face from hitting the
brown, murky excuse for water in front of me. Unfortunately it doesn’t
prevent both knees from hitting the dirt floor and the palms of my hands
from hitting every possible twig on the ground. Thankfully it’s not hot out
yet or else that would add another level of discomfort to this situation. The
mornings are cool, which I am enjoying, and add in the soft breeze that
ruffles the leaves here, I might even consider it too chilly.
“Emilia! Are you ok?” Milori runs up and kneels beside me, gently
grabbing my elbow to help me stand up.
Muttering, I manage to get to my feet, dust the dirt from my cotton pants,
and knock out the loose stone still embedded in my skin. “Fine. I guess I
wasn’t looking where I was going.”
Milori smirks, giving me a once-over.
“Well, you’re not bleeding, so you should be fine.” I turn to look at his
sea-green eyes and give him the best ‘I oughta kill you’ look I can muster.
As usual, he just laughs and shakes his head at me. Looking back at the
ground to see what nearly cost me my life, I find a cluster of mushrooms
along the narrow path in the woods. Looking back at Milori, I
exaggeratedly wave my arms at the harmless-looking mushrooms on the
“THIS is what you tried to prevent me from stepping on? Really?”
“Sure, go ahead and trample on the sleeping mushrooms. The moment
you break the skin, an odourless fume escapes them, knocking out
everything within a metre of it. If I return to the palace with you all floppy,
Timas will kill me, and I don’t mean just give me a little toss off the
balcony. He will use his scary lightning power to knock the Fae right out of
me.” He grunts.
“ I can’t wait until you guys are bonded. He is insufferable
right now.” A small smile pulls at my mouth. Timas has become even more
protective than before, which I have to admit I really like. He shows me
repeatedly how much he loves me, and I never feel like I can show him the
same amount of devotion. That’s why I am in this damp wooded area at the
crack of dawn, determined to find this rare flower. I hope this wasn’t a
“Come on, it’s not too far now. I think I’ll lead from here because the
path gets a little bit more challenging.” Milori makes sure I’m stable before
releasing my arm. He steps in front of me, leading us farther into the words.
This trip is supposed to be a grand gesture of love for Timas. Our bonding
ceremony is three days away, and I have wanted to get him something
special that
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