Blue Moon Love by Melanie Shawn EPUB & PDF

Blue Moon Love (WISHING WELL: HOMETOWN HEART #4) by Melanie Shawn EPUB & PDF

Blue Moon Love (WISHING WELL: HOMETOWN HEART #4) by Melanie Shawn EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Melanie Shawn
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“I reckoned growin’ old would take longer.” ~ Archie “Witty” Whitlock
Deadlines were not my friend. They never have been. I’m the girl
who waits until the night before a paper is due to stay up all night and write
it. I’m the girl who packs for the airport the morning of a flight. I’m the girl
who is consistently running five minutes late.

If there were a Queen of Procrastination, I’d wear the crown.
But as I wrote in my journal about a particular upcoming date, I was
determined to turn my leaf over anew.

My thirty-fourth birthday was in six(ish) weeks—forty-six days to be
exact—and there was something that needed to happen before the clock
struck midnight on January 2nd, which, by the way, was not the greatest
birthday date to have. I’d never been a fan of it.

I’d never been able to have a pool party or do anything outdoors
because of the weather. As a kid in school, my birthday announcement was
always lumped in with all the other kids whose birthdays fell over the
holiday break. As an adult, people were either broke and recovering from
the holidays, or had just begun their New Year’s resolutions to cut down on
drinking or unhealthy eating. So yeah, not exactly the optimal celebration

But this birthday was looming for an entirely different reason than my
typical apprehension over the date. Because this January second, there was
a deadline—a self-imposed deadline, but a deadline, nonetheless.
I needed to have sex.

My virginity was the best kept secret in Wishing Well, hell, maybe all of
Clover County, and I planned on keeping it that way…at least until after I
was deflowered.
Deflowered. Who came up with that word?
It didn’t matter.

What mattered was that tonight I was taking a step toward reaching my
goal. I had a date with a man who I’d matched with on an app. After a quick
social media check, I could report that he was gainfully employed, had a
full head of hair, and there was no digital evidence of a wife and family.
After spending the last few months getting burned by men who
represented themselves as things they weren’t, I started doing some pre-date
internet investigating. Some might consider it light stalking; I maintained it
was due diligence.

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