Blood Will Tell by April Henry EPUB & PDF

Blood Will Tell by April Henry EPUB & PDF

Blood Will Tell by April Henry EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: April Henry
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Science Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Freshly spilled blood is wet, shiny, and startlingly crimson. Newly exposed
bone is a pearly, glowing white.
Blood and bones. Before the night was out, Nick Walker would see
things that would drop him to his knees. Before the week was out, he would
do things he would have said were impossible. And he would learn truths
that he would desperately wish were lies.

In a little over an hour, seven-year-old Mariana Chavez would be lying in a
ditch, her unseeing eyes staring at the stars.
But for now, Mariana lay on her back looking up at the lights on Home
Depot’s faraway ceiling. She was stretched out on a low, flat cart topped
with curved bars that looked like an orange jungle gym. She lifted one of
her legs so she could admire her new rain boot, red with black dots. The
best part were the toes, decorated with eyes and antennae. The boots looked
just like ladybugs.

“Why is this so confusing?” Mariana’s mom muttered as she scanned
the rows of little round pieces of shiny metal and black rubber that would
somehow fix the drippy kitchen faucet. “And why must Mr. Edmonds be
so”—she paused and Mariana knew she was skipping over a swear word
—“so useless?”

Mr. Edmonds was their apartment manager. He was the one who was
supposed to fix things. Only two years ago he had tried to fix the leaking
toilet and just made it worse. And after that, Mariana’s mom had started just
trying to fix anything that broke herself.

Mariana also didn’t like Mr. Edmonds, but for different reasons. When
her mom wasn’t watching, he sometimes stared at her. And said things to
her, too, about how pretty she was, about how she seemed older than seven.
It wasn’t that she minded being told those things. She just didn’t like to hear
them from Mr. Edmonds, who looked a little like a tanned lizard.
Finally her mom picked something and paid for it. When they drove
home, it was already growing dark. Mariana helped carry in the groceries
they had bought before going to Home Depot, staggering a little under the
weight of the bags.

“You’re a good girl, Mariana,” her mom said, resting her hand briefly on
her shoulder. “You’re a good helper.”
Helper reminded Mariana of what would come next. Putting away the
groceries and then holding a flashlight while her mom swore at the wrench
and the faucet and Mr. Edmonds and complained that Mariana wasn’t
holding the light still.

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