Blood Lust (BLOODLETTING #1) by Ashlee Ryan EPUB & PDF

Blood Lust (BLOODLETTING #1) by Ashlee Ryan EPUB & PDF

Blood Lust (BLOODLETTING #1) by Ashlee Ryan EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Ashlee Ryan
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3 MB
  • Price: Free

Impending doom. Fear. Panic. Just a few of my favorite words that
describe how I feel about the state of my relationship at this very

A squeaking sound comes from the wheel of my shopping cart, which
keeps trying to pull to the left. Figures I would grab the bum one. As the
cart shakes, I continue down the aisle of Catskill Getaway’s General Store.
Wine bottles gleam in the overhead fluorescents and I study the labels to
make a selection.

I see Spencer’s brown haired head as he bends over the beer cooler. My
blood turns to ice as he stacks his cart with more and more cases. Shoulders
slumping, I pick out my wine for the weekend.
We almost hadn’t come.

Spencer hates surprises, and planning this trip without his knowledge
started a fight that I worry we won’t recover from.
Things haven’t been good for a while now.
I try to hold on to the fact that he’s here, at least. That’s something

The corners of my mouth tick downward and I steal another glance at
my boyfriend of two years while I load four bottles of wine into the
shopping cart. What if he’s only here because he has nothing better to do for
Memorial Day weekend?

Shaking my head I try to pull myself from that line of thinking. There’s
still time to fix this, to fix us.
My grocery supplies seem to be complete. We mostly needed alcohol
and a few cold items I didn’t want to bring on the long drive up from
Callery. Satisfied with the contents, I call out to Spencer, “Did you want
white wine or red?”

“Good talk,” I say softly, taking a deep breath to bite back the stinging
tears forming in my eyes.
Deciding it was fine, like I decide everything is fine, I roll my shaky
cart to the front of the store and wait for Spencer. He shows up a moment
later with five cases of beer in his cart and nothing else.

He was going to be drunk all weekend and glaring at his beer, I take
comfort in knowing I’ll be wine-drunk right beside him. Maybe this is a
good thing. Maybe it will loosen us up and we can reconnect. I snuck some
naughty lingerie and toys into my bag that I plan to pull out tonight.
Maybe our relationship isn’t dead in the water.

Maybe it is.
I tug the sleeves of my shirt down to my wrists and avoid the pitying
stare from the cashier. She’d seen the marks from our most recent fight. It
hadn’t been a bad one, he was just frustrated that I planned an entire trip
and spent all this money without telling him.

She doesn’t know how much
pressure he’s under from his job, and how stressed he’s been. It’s my fault,
anyway. I tried to walk away from him while he was expressing himself,
and that wasn’t fair to him.
So he reached out for me. Big deal. If I hadn’t tried to pull away, they
wouldn’t have bruised.

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