Blood, Lies, and Vampwriters by Ash Rivera EPUB & PDF

Blood, Lies, and Vampwriters by Ash Rivera EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Ash Rivera
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Fairy lights lit the Quarter in a soft, yellow glow. Bonne Chance was a
comfortable city. It had all the flare of New Orleans, but on a much smaller
scale. On a good night, you could hear the jazz musicians up the street at
Petit Musique and smell the fresh bread wafting from Sweet Maman’s

I had grown up here. My father had brought me éclairs from La
Merveille. My mother had taken my sister and me shopping at Madame
Archambeau’s for our prom dresses. Bonne Chance was my home. It was
where my heart lived.
You’d never guess that vampires lived here too. Or that I had hit one
with my car last year.

I drove out of the Quarter, leaving the jazz music and fairy lights
behind. Charlemagne’s note had requested that I meet him at Fortuna, his
estate in Vieux Jardin, a historic upper-class district in Bonne Chance. I
knew the way. Anyone who had grown up here knew the way.

Fortuna had become a local legend. As teenagers, my sister and I
would walk past the wrought iron gates, daring each other to slip inside. To
meet the phantom who haunted the Grecian pillars. And now, I had a
standing invitation. I pulled Beatrice, my baby blue beetle, up to the gates,
as nerves tangled up in my belly. There was always a brief stomachsuspending moment where I feared they wouldn’t open for me. That maybe
life was just a fever-dream.

I released a breath when the gates creaked open, and I drove
through. Willows dusted the path on either side of the drive, and then the
trees broke, and Fortuna opened to me. Bathed in silver, Fortuna was done
in the old Louisiana standard of Greek Revival homes with tall columns and
a wrap-around veranda. Lit with warm, yellow light, I could see shadows
passing by the large windows on the second story. My phantom was awake.

Smiling to myself, I cut the engine, and grabbed my messenger bag
from the passenger seat. I slung it onto my shoulder and started for the
veranda. The black lacquered front door opened for me before I could even
raise a hand to knock. It was a trick Charlemagne liked to use to impress
me. And it worked every single time.

I patted the nose of the lion-head knocker before I stepped into the
warmth of the house. Pausing in the foyer, I slid my gaze around the front
room. A vase of calla lilies sat on an antique wooden table in front of the
large staircase. To the right was an open living room and the hallway to the
library and den. To the left was the drawing room and the kitchen. I tilted
my head to inhale. Fortuna always smelled like fresh flowers and old

“Charley, I’m here!” I called towards the stairs before walking into
the living room.

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