Blessed (THE SUITABLE ‘VERSE) by R. Cooper EPUB & PDF

Blessed (THE SUITABLE ‘VERSE) by R. Cooper EPUB & PDF

Blessed (THE SUITABLE ‘VERSE) by R. Cooper EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: R. Cooper
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Mattin didn’t like to think that he stumbled into the king’s rooms, but the
guards at the outer door moved toward him as if to catch him if he fell, so
he certainly wasn’t graceful. He ignored his blush and the heat beneath his
skin that was fading too slowly for his liking. His cool bath that morning
had not soothed any of his aches and pains, but had at least left him clean
and smelling of icy mint, which he hoped would keep his mind clear
enough for him to get some work done today.

He’d fallen behind, caught unawares once again by his lust-fever despite
how it occurred regularly every four months in everyone fae-blessed.
Anyone with fae blood was afflicted—given gifts—in some way, although
some fortunate souls were granted little more than occasional discomfort
and others experienced no discomfort or fevers of any kind but had drive
enough to match the needs of the third kind. Blessed, the third kind were
called, though Mattin had never felt so.

The lust-fevers, or heats, as he’d heard some refer to them recently, were a
messy, sticky, uncomfortable, humiliating business, and that didn’t even
bring in the care required to not end up with child should Mattin ever be so
fortunate as to have a partner, or how the heats interrupted his work.
Mattin loved his work. He enjoyed reading, and studying, and digging
through records until he found information that was needed. It helped that
books and scrolls didn’t care if he was a bit on the plain side for a Blessed,
and too insignificant, even for a beat-of-four, for anyone to take a real
interest in. Not seriously anyway, not beyond conversation at parties.

Not that Mattin went to many parties these days. The palace was finally
starting to feel settled and calm again after years of warring, coups, and
chaos, but there was much work to be done to keep it that way, and Mattin
was happier to be useful to the new king than he was to fuss over his
appearance just to attend a party where he’d end up tipsy on wine in a
corner ignored by all and far from the king and his husband on the other
side of the room if they happened to be there.

Mattin enjoyed a chance to show off pretty clothes and any new jewelry
purchases, but he’d made a special effort to look nice for those parties. It
was expected, even though the king and his husband were not the sort to
wear much jewelry—or care for parties, to be honest. But Mattin’s extra
effort had not resulted in much. He’d taken to bringing his work with him to
the last few such gatherings he’d attended, and no one except for the king
and his husband had interrupted him, which said it all.

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