Blank Space by Kate Tilney EPUB & PDF

Blank Space (SWIFT MOUNTAIN FIRE & RESCUE #2) by Kate Tilney EPUB & PDF

Blank Space (SWIFT MOUNTAIN FIRE & RESCUE #2) by Kate Tilney EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Kate Tilney
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The late afternoon sun streams in through the window of my studio
apartment. I shift the sketchpad on my desk to the center of the sunbeam,
never lifting my pencil from the paper.
The sketch comes to life. Lines and slashes flow down from the faceless
model. Each stroke adds on to the next, creating a long, draping gown with
ruching at the bust and a cascading skirt that flows to the ground in
cascading waves.

Pausing with pursed lips, I take a look at my work and can’t help but
grin with pride.
“Damn, Gigi,” I say to myself. “You’re good.”
I’m suddenly aware of the honking horns and various voices calling out
from the bustling street below. Though it’s usually hard to ignore the sights
and sounds of Manhattan—especially through my windows’ thin panes—
they completely slipped my notice.

When I get in the zone like this, it’s almost as if the design is coming
together on its own. Everything around me disappears. I swear, sometimes
it feels like blacking out.
That’s one of the mysteries—and beauties—of being a fashion designer.
Well, a design assistant. Right now, I’m working on ideas for my boss’s
new line.

But someday—someday—I’ll be frantically creating my own designs.
Ones made to celebrate women like me. Women with more curves and fullfigured bodies. In my years here in New York, I haven’t met many

designers who really know how to dress a plus-size woman. Not like I do.
One day, I’ll have my own line of designs on a runway, displayed by
gorgeous plus-size models—like my best friend Selena.

When that finally happens, all the late nights of study, bowls of ramen
on a shoestring budget, and calluses on my fingers will have paid off.
Raising my arms over my head, I stretch to work out the tension
forming in my shoulders. Just like the sights and sounds, I forget to move
my body when I’m deep into my work. If I’m not careful, I’ll end up with
hunched shoulders.

Those won’t look good in the dress I plan to draw next. A dress for my
own collection.

Reaching for the pencil, my hand freezes as my phone starts buzzing.
I frown at it. I want to take advantage of the natural light while I can.
Living in a cramped third-floor walkup in Chelsea, I don’t get a lot of it.
But when I see the name on the display, I release a sigh.

It’s my brother, calling from Alaska. I’ve ignored his last few calls. If I
do it again, he’ll probably call in a wellness check on me. My neighbors
already think I’m weird enough with all the thrifted high-fashion outfits I
wear. I don’t need to add to it by having police show up at my door.

I lift the phone to my ear. “Aaron, hey.”
“You’re alive.” There’s muffling on the other end of the line as he calls
out, “Good news. Gigi is alive.”
“Does that mean I can stop looking up the non-emergency number for
the NYPD?” Selena’s voice calls back in the background.

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