Black Tides by Candace Osmond EPUB & PDF

Black Tides by Candace Osmond EPUB & PDF

Black Tides by Candace Osmond EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Candace Osmond
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Romantic Fantasy
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Not many people know what it’s like to die.
But I did.
The thought held me as I let the cold, relentless depths of the sea take
me once again, dragging me under as I fell weightlessly through the abyss,
just as I did every night, and my arms dried outward while I waited for the
inevitable end to come. I knew it was in the darkness below, just beyond
my fingerps.

It was always there.
The call of death, the sweet promise of an end to this empty nightmare.
I’ve grown red of waing for it. Night aer night, the broken memories of
my past weighed me down and lulled me to sleep as I slipped into the
same tangible dream of nothingness.
I sank into the sea like a leaf falling to the ground–knowing I’d never
reach it–and the cold darkness slowly rose to meet me as I waited to wake

But this me was different.
My slowing heartbeat thwomped in my ears, picking up speed as the
black pit grew closer, and the unrelenng chill of the sea seeped into my
bones. I dragged my arm through the water, straining to touch my fingerp
to the darkness, but a strange white light suddenly sparked to life in its

This was new.
Curious, my mind dragged, and the light grew bigger and brighter,
blinding me. This was not the death I was promised. I tried to swim away,
back to the unreachable surface, but the ocean was like glue, and I couldn’t
go back, only forward to the unfamiliar light.
Slowly, I reached down, and as my fingerp breached the edge of the
expanding light, the dream shaered all around me. The enraged sea
screamed in my ears as it gathered in a whirlwind. The water receded, and
my bare feet planted firmly on a smooth rock as I stood in the center of the
tornado, aghast at the sight before me. I’d had this crippling nightmare
every night since I was four, and never did it end like this.

The light hovered above, blocking out the starless sky, and my jaw hung
as I stared up at it in wonder, just as the wild sea twirled into a spout and
dove into my gaping mouth, forcing its way inside my body, filling every
brimming inch of me unl I gaged on it.
My back slammed into the rock, and I gasped for breath as I shot up in

“Fuck,” I breathed and ran my hand through sweaty white curls.
The early morning sun burst through my window blinds, casng a
paern of stripes across my bedroom. I grabbed the tepid water from my
bedside and downed it as my phone vibrated against the glass top. A groan
turned over in my chest when I glanced at the screen and saw six missed

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